Urine Therapy Saved a Dying Husband. Ed. Dr. Chapman Chen

The following account is given by a charming lady about how urine therapy saved her dying husband’s life:-

I want to share with you a very personal story to me because it saved my husband’s life, and I made a promise to God that if my husband survived what he went through, then I would scream from the rooftop  far and wide what saved him.

On July 1st, my husband was completely fine. Over the next four weeks I watched him rapidly lose weight. I watched his skin turn from normal to pale. I watched my husband slowly die in front of my eyes. We have already been taking him to the doctors for a few months because he has gastrointestinal problems that wouldn’t go away. He was prescribed prednisone and antibiotics for his issues which made him worse. I thought my husband was going to die. My husband thought he was going to die. We felt helpless. To this day we still don’t fully understand the depth of what was going on inside of his body. We only know that he was rapidly losing his health and his ability to survive. And we were willing to try anything to save him.

In the last week before we thought we were going to lose him, he came across an article from Globalhealing .com talking about urine therapy, drinking your own urine. He called me on the phone and he said, “I am going to try it because I have nothing else to lose.” I also told him to try it because I didn’t want to lose him and I was willing to do anything to keep him alive. To be honest with you, I didn’t think it was going to work because I just didn’t.

But he started doing it; he started consuming his own urine, pretty much three times a day, I think in the beginning, and slowly after a few days, I started seeing the color come back to his skin. But what happened after that was actually like I watched a miracle transpire before my very eyes. It was like his body knew that he was under weight. So he rapidly gained all his weight back. Within a couple of weeks, he gained 20 pounds back. Within the four weeks that he was consuming his own urine, his skin tone turned from pale to completely healthy. To be honest, I am still shocked that this saved him.

Doctors cannot figure it out. He had CT scans; they kept saying everything was fine; they kept saying everything was normal. Even more offensive is that they kept giving my husband saline and sending him home to die. They sent us a big bill and he was still no better.

By consuming his own urine, he saved his life and all I can say to you is that if you have anyone in your life who is going through any kind of illness, urine therapy has already been proven all through the 1900s to cure leukemia, cancer, HIV. It also cures people who are morbidly obese. If people are morbidly obese, consume their own urine, they will start rapidly losing weight. If people who are underweight, consume their own urine, they will start gaining weight. If you have a brain tumor, your own urine will shrink your brain tumor. Please share this information and save a life today.

Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/urine-therapy-rescued-a-dying-husband-ed-dr-chapman-chen/


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