尿含生命力。 Urinetherapie 著。Dr. Chapman Chen(曾焯文)譯

天水(人尿)自有玄妙之處。 尿為血之副產品,含有「生命力」,亦即真氣,或曰般那(prana),因此公認為超凡入聖的生命食糧。內服可「喚醒內在醫生」,在肉身和能量層面同時發揮作用。 換言之,尿能影響生命各個層面:從身體到情緒,以至精神,再到靈魂的微妙振頻。

Urine Contains Life-force. By Urinetherapie.

There is something esoteric about urine. As a by-product of the blood, it contains “life-force” or prana and thus is considered to be a supernatural living food. When taken, it “awakens the healer within” who works both a mechanistic level as well as on an energetic level. That is urine has the ability to affect all levels of being: from the physical, to the emotional, to the mental and to the subtler vibrations of the soul.

Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e5%b0%bf%e5%90%ab%e7%94%9f%e5%91%bd%e5%8a%9b%e3%80%82-urinetherapie-%e8%91%97%e3%80%82dr-chapman-chen%ef%bc%88%e6%9b%be%e7%84%af%e6%96%87%ef%bc%89%e8%ad%af/