人人都飲過尿! We All Drink our Own Pee at Some Point! Dr. Chapman Chen(曾焯文)譯

這是妊娠第二十七週的胎兒。胎兒開口合口幾次。這是胎兒即時電腦斷層掃描。 胎兒在做甚麼?胎兒在飲羊水,我們在母親肚內時都這樣做。羊水入胃,我們從中處理所有營養,然後排入尿中,回到羊水。 因此,曾幾何時,人人都飲過尿。

Video影片: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cpoo5WbokIw/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY%3D&fbclid=IwAR3IXCnolExauhE37MhOL5B5PnUX_SbwHylVJbnQlVSavhqPrBEM8JNQMnM

We All Drink our Own Pee at Some Point

What this is showing is a baby at 27th week of gestation. They are opening and closing their mouth several times. This is a live-MRI of the baby at the time. And what the baby is doing — and we all do this in the uterus — is that they are drinking the amniotic fluid. It goes into the stomach. We process all the nutrients out of that, and it is excreted into the urine back into the amniotic fluid. So in a way we all drink our own pee at some point.

Source: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cpoo5WbokIw/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY%3D&fbclid=IwAR3IXCnolExauhE37MhOL5B5PnUX_SbwHylVJbnQlVSavhqPrBEM8JNQMnM

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