英國助教索尿二十年,堅稱有壯陽奇效,而且能醫百病。Dr. Chapman Chen(曾焯文)編譯


阿森·高恩 (Sam Cohen) 現年四十歲,過去十九年間,每次上廁所都會用杯將尿灌入鼻窿。

















自從其四十八歲的瑜珈教練死黨羅奇利(Kelly R)a二零零零年「發現」這項技術以來,阿森同兩個朋友就經常飲自己的尿。

奇利(Kelly)、四十三 歲的阿森(Sam)同赫倫-高斯 (Heron-Herbie Cox) 相信,索尿非常有益健康。











「我們亦都飲椰子水、 黃麻奶、大麻籽油、大麻二醇、生果露、蔬菜汁同葡萄酒。」


阿森話:過去四年來,在面書撞到約 一百位名都係用鼻索尿的人。











來源: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/teaching-assistant-snorted-wee-20-14385908;作者:新聞副編輯Berny Torre Tanveer Mann,二零一九年 四 月 十七 日


阿森本書可在其網站找到:www.drinkingthroughthenose.com  .


聖經《創世記 》以尿為生命氣息。Certified Health Nut著。 Dr. Chapman Chen(曾焯文)譯 

現代醫學中的尿是研究得最多的物質。 基本上用於身體每一個功能,無論治療血栓,還是治療癌症。治療血栓的尿激酶是提取自尿的酵素,美國酵素公司(Enzymes of America)等公司, 尤其係其子公司Porta John,正是從小便池收集的尿液,從中提取尿激酶。

尿素基本是世上唯一經過臨床驗證的皮膚保濕劑。 具有令人難以置信的可吸收性質,皆因尿自然透皮,皆因嬰兒出生在充滿尿的子宮中,尿有意穿過皮膚,輸送幹細胞附著未出生胎兒之基因藍圖,幫助其成長。 那是構建模組,此之所以從懷孕第 廿 週開始,羊水(即尿)會通過胎兒的口鼻,令人想起創世記第二章,其中提到上帝將一啖真氣(生命氣息)吹入亞當鼻窿,人就成為生靈。

尿通過鼻窿、通過口腔、然後入肺時,實際就形成肺部。所有臨床研究都如此説。 而今一切都需要重新評估,皆因二零零八年,科學家發現尿液中含幹細胞。 好多事我們不識,但不代表沒有發生。 天水(尿)是上帝的傑作。



2008年,Zhang et al. 鑑定尿液中的幹細胞群,其體外擴增潛力最多可傳代十次。 引文:Citation: Zhang Y, McNeill E, Tian H, Soker S, Andersson KE, Yoo JJ, et al. Urine derived cells are a potential source for urological tissue reconstruction【源自尿的細胞是泌尿組織重建的潛在來源】.


來源: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0-RbDWOb9r/?igsh=anRjMjY3MzRhZXpu


Urine as the Breath of Life in Genesis 2. By Certified Health Nut. Ed./Trans. Dr. Chapman Chen

Urine in modern medicine is the single most studied substance out of any substance. And it’s used for basically every function of the body, whether it is urokinase for blood clots, or for cancer, which is an enzyme that’s extracted from urine, which is taken from urine that’s collected from urinals by companies like Enzymes of America, who has the subsidiary Porta John as one example.

Then you have the urea that is basically the only clinically proven skin moisturizer in the world. It’s incredibly absorbable because urine is naturally transdermal, because babies  are born in a womb which is filled with urine and that urine is going through their skin intentionally because it is delivering stem cells to attach to the genetic blueprint of that fetus, of that unborn baby to help it grow. It is the building blocks and that’s why starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, amniotic fluid, which is urine, goes through the nostrils and the mouth of the fetus, which is very similar to what you read in Genesis 2, where it says God breathed into Adam’s nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul.

When the urine goes in through the nostrils, through the mouth, and then it goes into the lungs, it is actually forming the lungs. And that’s what it says in any clinical study. And now everything needs to be reassessed, because in 2008, we discovered that urine has stem cells in it. Just because you don’t understand what’s happening, doesn’t mean it is not happening. It’s God’s masterpiece.

Source: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0-RbDWOb9r/?igsh=anRjMjY3MzRhZXpu

Editor’s note:

In 2008, Zhang et al. identified a stem cell population in urine, with an expansion potential for up to ten passages in vitro. Citation: Zhang Y, McNeill E, Tian H, Soker S, Andersson KE, Yoo JJ, et al. Urine derived cells are a potential source for urological tissue reconstruction. J Urol. 2008;180:2226–33.

每週一次天水斷食,而無改飲食習慣,有益乎?Urinetherapie著。Dr. Chapman Chen(曾焯文)譯


Is a Urine Fast Once a Week Beneficial without a Diet Change?

By Urinetherapie

Optimally you should be fasting as often as you’re eating. If you pollute the body with meat, eggs and diary 6 times a week but fast once, it’s really of no benefit. Urine fasting should be accompanied by a good vegan diet. Urine is derived from the bloodstream, so the bloodstream should be kept clean. What is the point of polluting a lake all week and drinking from it at the weekend?

Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e6%af%8f%e9%80%b1%e4%b8%80%e6%ac%a1%e5%a4%a9%e6%b0%b4%e6%96%b7%e9%a3%9f%ef%bc%8c%e8%80%8c%e7%84%a1%e6%94%b9%e9%a3%b2%e9%a3%9f%e7%bf%92%e6%85%a3%ef%bc%8c%e6%9c%89%e7%9b%8a%e4%b9%8e%ef%bc%9f/

Source:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C2h3yrIN8cN/?igsh=NjZiM2M3MzIxNA==