Sorest Joints Healed with Urine Therapy: Testimonial from New Zealand. Ed. Dr. Chapman Chen

Hi I wish I was brave enough to give you my name, but due to the thinking of society around this subject (due to ignorance in most cases) I think it would be best to keep my identity anonymous. But I do want to tell those who would benefit from my story and hopefully give you hope that you to can have better health without harmful drugs. I feel I cannot keep this to myself. My close friends and family know and those I choose to tell, they are all fine with it because I’ve been able to explain what I have learnt and how I helped my self. What would my life have been like without Urine therapy doesn’t bear thinking about…

So here goes! It seems a life time ago now but when I count back it only been 8 months….. I woke one morning to find one of my fingers was sore, just a joint on my right hand, this wasn’t odd as if I eat too much wheat I get stiff joints, so its an indication that i needed to cut back on wheat, which i did …but this sore joint didn’t go away. A month later a finger on my other hand flared up to and I became really scared, this wasn’t just sore but it was like a pain I had never felt before, aching, swollen, which started to make the simplest of tasks really hard to do and caused more pain. I knew something wasn’t right as I was just so tired I could hardly function. I’m normally active and have a sport which keeps me really fit, but I couldn’t even do that, I just wanted to sleep and my appetite was non existent and I was worried about what I could eat as certain foods made it worse … for years now I struggled with my diet, keeping out wheat and sugars really helped, long ago I had identified I had  Candida and would use diet to control this. (I was never overweight but I just wasn’t able to eat certain foods)

Another thing is I have always been low in Iron right throughout my life and recently I have realized the significance of this and also being low in B12 I think have depleted my immune system so by now at 47 I have no reserves to go on…..anyway…..after a month I was becoming steadily worse. I went to my doctor, who suggested we do tests and that I should take some time off work …..I took off over 3 months in the end, it turns out I would need every second of that time.

I had every test the Dr could think of and the one I was particularly scared of was Rheumatoid Arthritis. RA is in my family with a aunt and a grandparent both dying young and in terrible pain. It turns out I have the symptoms but no rheumatoid factor in my blood, so I’m not sure if it truly is RA but my Dr says if I went to a rheumatoligist they would say I have RA with no blood factor..or something like that. I would be advised to take a series of immune suppressants and pain killers. I couldn’t get my head around that my immune system wasn’t functioning and that their response was to switch it off altogether….I thought why not build it back up….but they didn’t think this would help, my immune system was attacking my body for some unknown reason so better switch it off or all hell would break loose!

My prognosis was not good it constituted of pain, and a greatly reduced lifespan. If I was medicated I would get about 20ys – if I was lucky- before my organs gave up then bring on the slow painful death. Yay I was just thrilled!!!!! Might as well end it now and save the pain and despair….. To be honest I did think I would rather take my own life than be reduced to the aforementioned prognosis. But I am a ever hopeful person so I wasn’t ready to take that drastic step -yet. I guess I could always go back for the drugs, I thought I could have them there as my last resort. But before that I had to try everything I could to help myself and as it turns out I did.

I was becoming much worse I was trying everything and nothing had any lasting effect,I began to really despair. By now I was loosing weight as I couldn’t decide what foods to eat and what would flare up my hands, I couldn’t do any housework the cleaning was especially painful and I had absolutely no energy, I was fading away right before my families eyes. Daily tasks were finally given away, even driving the car was painful as I couldn’t grip the steering wheel or let it slip through my hands as you do when turning the wheel, it was horribly painful even ‘air’ felt painful on my hands, so I took to wearing gloves for everything. I was wrapping sticking plasters around my sore joints as they felt they needed support.

I didn’t actually think at the time to take any pain relief, I guess looking back I have always trusted my body to give me answers and masking symptoms was never the norm for me. I was looking everywhere for answers and everyday would ‘Google’ my symptoms hoping to find some answers, and help, lots of info on anti- inflammatory diets, so I began the alkaline /acid diet and found it good. I followed it to the letter but found I had constant diarrhea for 5 months! I was lucky to have a good friend who was a Naturopath who would help me hugely.

I had tried another natural therapist in town who just sold me expensive concoctions which cost over $500.00 with no relief, I stopped going…….its expensive to be sick and I wasn’t working, but I was being paid as I had time owning thank goodness, but not enough to cover these horrendous bills. I would still go to my Dr just to check in really, as she couldn’t do much either.

One day I was really down, I turned on the T.V. and saw a talking about radical diets. I watched as he drank his own urine saying it was good for his ailments and especially his arthritis. I couldn’t believe my ears! I had never heard of it, so off to ‘Google’ I went and found a multitude of information on Urine Therapy. I read and read for days just absorbing what I was reading, I read nothing to say it was harmful, rather the worse that could happen was it wouldn’t work for some people or conditions. But all the information said good for an Auto Immune, which is what I had.

So as I was no better and the outcome for the rest of my life could be complete incapacitation in a wheel chair taking drugs which would eventually kill me! the idea of drinking my own urine actually seemed a no brainer. I decided what did I have to loose, and maybe, just maybe, I might be someone who it just might work for … you never know till you try something, I have always had an open mind to the alternative so I did.

I drank a small amount of urine that afternoon, I couldn’t wait till the next morning…..Im a bit of an all or nothing kind of person. I used a juice to mask the taste, not so bad at all, I was drinking huge amounts of water so was nearly clear anyway. I felt a small explosion in my stomach! it was like my body was saying finally she has got it right! I dismissed this as just my mind hoping for a good outcome! within 20mins the pain and swelling had lessened, I couldn’t believe it OMG…..

So the next morning about 5am, I took another dose (midstream) and had it in a veg juice (I have always had my UT with a Veg Juice as I’m a bit of a sook ……it just tastes better this way…..and guess what… it still works….after taking it I went back to bed a slept like the dead. I did this for several days, and then my symptoms returned! I decided it must be the healing crisis and so I upped the UT at the peak I was taking it 5x a day, as I was hardly eating just a little avocado, I guess I did a Urine fast but just didn’t know it at the time. I got through it and my symptoms eased.

I would use Urine to soak my hands in with immediate relief and on my face and neck as well ..its an amazing moisturiser. I’ve stopped using any creams for my face now as I just don’t need them. I found making a poultice out of urine and paper, it would mould around my fingers which were really sore so i could get some relief at night to sleep, after a week or so I no longer had to do this…..also I slept really well as I found out urine is great for insomnia…..over the next few months things really improved.

My appetite improved and I began slowly having some energy to do simple tasks. I still needed to sleep every afternoon but its important not to push yourself when returning to health. I found out so much about Urine that I never knew… it is anti inflammatory, anti fungal, anti bacterial, (goodbye candidia) and a blood product rather than a waste product…..also it has so many vitamins and minerals and hormones unique to what your body needs….its just so amazing.

I’ve never felt so hopeful and positive since taking Urine Therapy and one of the reasons is ‘Dopamine’, its the happy hormone! I feel like I have no more fear of life I just know that everything will be ok, I tell you if you ever want a remedy that can not only heal your body, but also your body, mind and soul, UT is the key to happiness and good health. Anyway back to the story, I began back at work 2 months after using UT which is amazing in itself, but I only went back slowly, one day a week. I took with me my ‘special cream’….a mix of aqueous cream and urine in case I got a bit sore during the day, I just rubbed it in and it works wonders. But now I also add a potent mix of aromatherapy essences to kill any unwanted smells!

I have a ‘work’ cream and a ‘ home’ cream which are different strengths for obvious reasons… husband has never once complained about the smell or what I do because he sees the huge difference in my health. I would hate to smell like urine! So I’m very careful when I use it straight and when I use my watered down creams. I put U on my skin everyday and I have the most lovely soft and supple skin now. My eyes are clear and the whites really white! I no longer have diarrhea and my weight is returning to normal levels. I noticed each month before my period some symptoms would return and with my lovely friend we worked out it was a definite drop in progesterone. I now use a natural Progesterone cream for three weeks leading up to my period and this has helped hugely.

So with a change in diet, reducing stress, Progesterone cream, ( all natural mind you), and the ultimate healer Urine Therapy…..I can be free to take on life again, abet a little wiser than before. I’m down to once a day for my UT which seems to have stabilised my symptoms if they worsen again I will just up my intake. (I’ve never had a cold or any flu now for the whole time I’ve been taking UT either) I have learnt that ill health is multi layered we get sick because things are not in balance. We are not just our Body, we are our Body, Mind, Spirit and Emotions as well. I believe I got sick because I needed to remember this, I had become complacent. And I needed to learn that I can heal myself, no other experience would have taught me this. This for me has been empowering, this for me has changed my life. I aim everyday to be thankful for my health, not to treat myself too harshly and love myself enough to treat my body with respect it so deserves. And I have learnt that saying No and having really solid boundaries isn’t selfish its HEALTHY.

Today as I write this I’m about 95% back to health, I still have stiff joints some mornings but nothing like they were the swelling and pain has gone and my energy is back. I’m doing mostly everything I did before, I’m just more aware of my limits and I watch I’m not getting to stressed in my life. My iron levels are still low and I have had to resort to injections for this, but hopefully not for ever. I hope this is helpful to someone, never give up, never say never, and try something different you never know what the results may be…..p.s I’m 47yrs old female, with grown up children, and looking forward to the rest of my life!

In Light and much Laughter
Urine Therapy Advocate.


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