尿療法可醫癌症愛滋,萬蘇理大學醫療社會學參考書話. Dr. Chapman Chen(曾焯文)譯介



以上論述見印度卡納塔克邦萬蘇理大學 (University of Mysore) 學士課程第五學期參考書「醫療社會學」其中一章,由退休教授巴立峇(K. Byrappa)撰寫,符合國家教育政策課程。

「大自然賦予人體免疫力。 尿就是這種能量。 有詳細證據顯示,瑜伽修行者飲尿已有幾千年歷史。 有關這方面的資料可以在梵文文獻《濕婆天水經(Shivambu Samhita)》中找到。」本書寫道。


Article link:


Source: https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/karnataka/ba-reference-book-says-urine-therapy-can-control-diseases-such-as-aids-cancer-academics-ask-how-it-was-recommended/article66153967.ece#:~:text=%E2%80%9CUrine%20therapy%20is%20a%20part,authored%20by%20retired%20professor%20K.

英國著名女主播Beverley Turner用天水按摩頭皮兼洗頭. Dr. Chapman Chen譯介

英國著名電視主播比華利·端娜(Beverley Turner)二零一九年透露,受到電視節目《本·霍高:野外新生活》中一位游牧女士啟發,用尿按摩頭皮兼洗頭,堅稱這種出位美容方法令頭髮濃密流光,「確實有料到」。

尿對頭髮的益處有科學根據。 研究表明,用尿按摩頭皮可以幫毛囊恢復活力,刺激頭髮生長,療癒脫髮。 尿可殺菌,幫助解決許多頭皮問題,包括感染、頭痕同頭皮。

英國著名女主播比華利·端娜(Beverley Turner)一九年時四十五歲,來自倫敦,曾在英國獨立電視台(ITV) 和BBC第五台廣播電台工作,第五頻道的系列節目《本·福格爾:野外新生活Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild》有集追訪荷蘭女士美鸞 (Miriam) 和新西蘭男士彼得 (Peter) 的游牧生活,美鸞三十四歲,彼得六十四歲。美鸞以前是教師,過去十二年一直與伴侶彼得在保加利亞東南部野外生活。端納看見節目中美鸞用尿淋頭,按摩浸泡二十分鐘才用水洗淨。端娜決定照做。

端娜是三位兒女的母親,一九年時丈夫為四十六歲奧運金牌得主詹士·桂格萊(James Cracknell)。端娜在推特讚揚美鸞秀髮如雲,美不勝收,然後承認正準備嘗試這種出位做法。

端娜在推特上寫道:「嘿,本·霍高,我正要去洗澡,用杯尿洗頭……我真的不是講笑。 美鸞的頭髮實在無得彈!」,然後補充道:「真係要醃足二十分鐘? 我驚會遲到喎。」

端娜親自嘗試後,補充道:「美鸞真係太靚啦! 我可以證明用尿洗頭有料到!」。


在有關節目中,霍高在保加利亞東南部訪問了這兩位前教師,他們目前住在羅多彼山脈,這是他們游牧生活十二 年來的最新目的地。



尿療常識十條. 作者:郭峰. Ed. Dr. Chapman Chen














































Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e5%b0%bf%e7%99%82%e5%b8%b8%e8%ad%98%e5%8d%81%e6%a2%9d-%e4%bd%9c%e8%80%85%ef%bc%9a%e9%83%ad%e5%b3%b0-ed-dr-chapman-chen/

























Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e5%b0%bf%e7%82%ba%e4%bd%95%e8%83%bd%e9%86%ab%e7%99%be%e7%97%85%ef%bc%9f%e4%b8%8a%e6%b5%b7%e5%a4%a7%e5%ad%b8%e6%95%99%e6%8e%88%e9%a1%8f%e6%80%9d%e5%81%a5%e8%a6%8b%e8%ad%89/



Sorest Joints Healed with Urine Therapy: Testimonial from New Zealand. Ed. Dr. Chapman Chen

Hi I wish I was brave enough to give you my name, but due to the thinking of society around this subject (due to ignorance in most cases) I think it would be best to keep my identity anonymous. But I do want to tell those who would benefit from my story and hopefully give you hope that you to can have better health without harmful drugs. I feel I cannot keep this to myself. My close friends and family know and those I choose to tell, they are all fine with it because I’ve been able to explain what I have learnt and how I helped my self. What would my life have been like without Urine therapy doesn’t bear thinking about…

So here goes! It seems a life time ago now but when I count back it only been 8 months….. I woke one morning to find one of my fingers was sore, just a joint on my right hand, this wasn’t odd as if I eat too much wheat I get stiff joints, so its an indication that i needed to cut back on wheat, which i did …but this sore joint didn’t go away. A month later a finger on my other hand flared up to and I became really scared, this wasn’t just sore but it was like a pain I had never felt before, aching, swollen, which started to make the simplest of tasks really hard to do and caused more pain. I knew something wasn’t right as I was just so tired I could hardly function. I’m normally active and have a sport which keeps me really fit, but I couldn’t even do that, I just wanted to sleep and my appetite was non existent and I was worried about what I could eat as certain foods made it worse … for years now I struggled with my diet, keeping out wheat and sugars really helped, long ago I had identified I had  Candida and would use diet to control this. (I was never overweight but I just wasn’t able to eat certain foods)

Another thing is I have always been low in Iron right throughout my life and recently I have realized the significance of this and also being low in B12 I think have depleted my immune system so by now at 47 I have no reserves to go on…..anyway…..after a month I was becoming steadily worse. I went to my doctor, who suggested we do tests and that I should take some time off work …..I took off over 3 months in the end, it turns out I would need every second of that time.

I had every test the Dr could think of and the one I was particularly scared of was Rheumatoid Arthritis. RA is in my family with a aunt and a grandparent both dying young and in terrible pain. It turns out I have the symptoms but no rheumatoid factor in my blood, so I’m not sure if it truly is RA but my Dr says if I went to a rheumatoligist they would say I have RA with no blood factor..or something like that. I would be advised to take a series of immune suppressants and pain killers. I couldn’t get my head around that my immune system wasn’t functioning and that their response was to switch it off altogether….I thought why not build it back up….but they didn’t think this would help, my immune system was attacking my body for some unknown reason so better switch it off or all hell would break loose!

My prognosis was not good it constituted of pain, and a greatly reduced lifespan. If I was medicated I would get about 20ys – if I was lucky- before my organs gave up then bring on the slow painful death. Yay I was just thrilled!!!!! Might as well end it now and save the pain and despair….. To be honest I did think I would rather take my own life than be reduced to the aforementioned prognosis. But I am a ever hopeful person so I wasn’t ready to take that drastic step -yet. I guess I could always go back for the drugs, I thought I could have them there as my last resort. But before that I had to try everything I could to help myself and as it turns out I did.

I was becoming much worse I was trying everything and nothing had any lasting effect,I began to really despair. By now I was loosing weight as I couldn’t decide what foods to eat and what would flare up my hands, I couldn’t do any housework the cleaning was especially painful and I had absolutely no energy, I was fading away right before my families eyes. Daily tasks were finally given away, even driving the car was painful as I couldn’t grip the steering wheel or let it slip through my hands as you do when turning the wheel, it was horribly painful even ‘air’ felt painful on my hands, so I took to wearing gloves for everything. I was wrapping sticking plasters around my sore joints as they felt they needed support.

I didn’t actually think at the time to take any pain relief, I guess looking back I have always trusted my body to give me answers and masking symptoms was never the norm for me. I was looking everywhere for answers and everyday would ‘Google’ my symptoms hoping to find some answers, and help, lots of info on anti- inflammatory diets, so I began the alkaline /acid diet and found it good. I followed it to the letter but found I had constant diarrhea for 5 months! I was lucky to have a good friend who was a Naturopath who would help me hugely.

I had tried another natural therapist in town who just sold me expensive concoctions which cost over $500.00 with no relief, I stopped going…….its expensive to be sick and I wasn’t working, but I was being paid as I had time owning thank goodness, but not enough to cover these horrendous bills. I would still go to my Dr just to check in really, as she couldn’t do much either.

One day I was really down, I turned on the T.V. and saw a talking about radical diets. I watched as he drank his own urine saying it was good for his ailments and especially his arthritis. I couldn’t believe my ears! I had never heard of it, so off to ‘Google’ I went and found a multitude of information on Urine Therapy. I read and read for days just absorbing what I was reading, I read nothing to say it was harmful, rather the worse that could happen was it wouldn’t work for some people or conditions. But all the information said good for an Auto Immune, which is what I had.

So as I was no better and the outcome for the rest of my life could be complete incapacitation in a wheel chair taking drugs which would eventually kill me! the idea of drinking my own urine actually seemed a no brainer. I decided what did I have to loose, and maybe, just maybe, I might be someone who it just might work for … you never know till you try something, I have always had an open mind to the alternative so I did.

I drank a small amount of urine that afternoon, I couldn’t wait till the next morning…..Im a bit of an all or nothing kind of person. I used a juice to mask the taste, not so bad at all, I was drinking huge amounts of water so was nearly clear anyway. I felt a small explosion in my stomach! it was like my body was saying finally she has got it right! I dismissed this as just my mind hoping for a good outcome! within 20mins the pain and swelling had lessened, I couldn’t believe it OMG…..

So the next morning about 5am, I took another dose (midstream) and had it in a veg juice (I have always had my UT with a Veg Juice as I’m a bit of a sook ……it just tastes better this way…..and guess what… it still works….after taking it I went back to bed a slept like the dead. I did this for several days, and then my symptoms returned! I decided it must be the healing crisis and so I upped the UT at the peak I was taking it 5x a day, as I was hardly eating just a little avocado, I guess I did a Urine fast but just didn’t know it at the time. I got through it and my symptoms eased.

I would use Urine to soak my hands in with immediate relief and on my face and neck as well ..its an amazing moisturiser. I’ve stopped using any creams for my face now as I just don’t need them. I found making a poultice out of urine and paper, it would mould around my fingers which were really sore so i could get some relief at night to sleep, after a week or so I no longer had to do this…..also I slept really well as I found out urine is great for insomnia…..over the next few months things really improved.

My appetite improved and I began slowly having some energy to do simple tasks. I still needed to sleep every afternoon but its important not to push yourself when returning to health. I found out so much about Urine that I never knew…..how it is anti inflammatory, anti fungal, anti bacterial, (goodbye candidia) and a blood product rather than a waste product…..also it has so many vitamins and minerals and hormones unique to what your body needs….its just so amazing.

I’ve never felt so hopeful and positive since taking Urine Therapy and one of the reasons is ‘Dopamine’, its the happy hormone! I feel like I have no more fear of life I just know that everything will be ok, I tell you if you ever want a remedy that can not only heal your body, but also your body, mind and soul, UT is the key to happiness and good health. Anyway back to the story, I began back at work 2 months after using UT which is amazing in itself, but I only went back slowly, one day a week. I took with me my ‘special cream’….a mix of aqueous cream and urine in case I got a bit sore during the day, I just rubbed it in and it works wonders. But now I also add a potent mix of aromatherapy essences to kill any unwanted smells!

I have a ‘work’ cream and a ‘ home’ cream which are different strengths for obvious reasons…..my husband has never once complained about the smell or what I do because he sees the huge difference in my health. I would hate to smell like urine! So I’m very careful when I use it straight and when I use my watered down creams. I put U on my skin everyday and I have the most lovely soft and supple skin now. My eyes are clear and the whites really white! I no longer have diarrhea and my weight is returning to normal levels. I noticed each month before my period some symptoms would return and with my lovely friend we worked out it was a definite drop in progesterone. I now use a natural Progesterone cream for three weeks leading up to my period and this has helped hugely.

So with a change in diet, reducing stress, Progesterone cream, ( all natural mind you), and the ultimate healer Urine Therapy…..I can be free to take on life again, abet a little wiser than before. I’m down to once a day for my UT which seems to have stabilised my symptoms if they worsen again I will just up my intake. (I’ve never had a cold or any flu now for the whole time I’ve been taking UT either) I have learnt that ill health is multi layered we get sick because things are not in balance. We are not just our Body, we are our Body, Mind, Spirit and Emotions as well. I believe I got sick because I needed to remember this, I had become complacent. And I needed to learn that I can heal myself, no other experience would have taught me this. This for me has been empowering, this for me has changed my life. I aim everyday to be thankful for my health, not to treat myself too harshly and love myself enough to treat my body with respect it so deserves. And I have learnt that saying No and having really solid boundaries isn’t selfish its HEALTHY.

Today as I write this I’m about 95% back to health, I still have stiff joints some mornings but nothing like they were the swelling and pain has gone and my energy is back. I’m doing mostly everything I did before, I’m just more aware of my limits and I watch I’m not getting to stressed in my life. My iron levels are still low and I have had to resort to injections for this, but hopefully not for ever. I hope this is helpful to someone, never give up, never say never, and try something different you never know what the results may be…..p.s I’m 47yrs old female, with grown up children, and looking forward to the rest of my life!

In Light and much Laughter
Urine Therapy Advocate.


Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/sorest-joints-healed-with-urine-therapy-testimonial-from-new-zealand-ed-dr-chapman-chen/

Source: https://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/Testimonials/Urine-Testimonials



中尾丙科醫院院長 中尾良一:風濕患者可以說是尿療法中相當容易獲得改善的對象。這是因爲在風濕患者的新鮮尿液中,含有豐富的「自家益苗」,能和血液中的風濕因子進行戰鬥。 因此,對於沒有特效藥的風濕疼痛,尿療法可以在短期內使它得到改善。



病人見證:我忍著疼痛繼續飲用,又過了三、四天後,疼痛果然减輕了。正如朋友所說,越過好轉反應的高山後,就進入一個完全不同的世界中,過著明朗輕鬆的每一天 。現在,我又能從事自己所喜愛的籐工手藝。不管是彎曲或編織籐條,都能毫不費力地進行,這些在以前根本是想都不敢想的事情。而且,能夠快步地行走,也能爬很高的樓梯而不覺得難受。 至於肺部動過手術的地方,以往用手觸摸時覺得冰冷,現在則溫暖多了。 在手術後,每年都要到醫院接受X光檢查三次,在實施尿療法一個月後正逢檢查的日子。 到醫院去檢查後,醫生對我說:「妳的臉色看起來好多 了,而且圖片也沒有顯示異常現象,已經不要緊了。」 鄰居見到我時,也都說我的臉色的確紅潤多了。




Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e6%97%a5%e6%9c%ac%e5%90%8d%e9%86%ab%e4%b8%ad%e5%b0%be%e8%89%af%e4%b8%80%ef%bc%9a%e3%80%8c%e5%b0%bf%e4%b8%ad%e5%90%ab%e6%9c%89%e5%92%8c%e9%a2%a8%e6%bf%95%e6%90%8f%e9%ac%a5%e7%9a%84%e7%9b%8a%e8%8b%97/

尿療法和食生醫好末期血癌. 岩士唐著. Dr. Chapman Chen(曾焯文) 編譯

美國約翰·岩士唐(John W. Armstrong)的醫學名著《生命之水》報告很多癌症療愈病例,其中有一宗急性骨髓白血病(即血癌),靠尿療法加上健康飲食醫好,令人印象深刻。




所有這些食物皆進少量,同時繼續飲尿,用尿按摩。 後來,准他食些素魚柳同素肉,但嚴禁罐頭或翻煮的食物。






Armstrong, John W. The Water of Life: A Treatise on Urine-therapy. New York: Health Science Press. https://urotherapyresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/the-water-of-life.pdf

Urine Therapy for Detoxification and Healing. By Indigo. Ed. Dr. Chapman Chen



Anti-aging, Anti-septic, Detoxifier, Disinfectant, Neutralizer of poisons, Purifier, Regenerative


Arteries, Cancer, Cellular repair, Diabetes, Excessive Menstruation, Fibromyalgia, Heart, Herpes, HIV, Kidneys, Lyme, Pregnancy issues, Nerves, Vaxxine antidote, Veins


  • Removes heavy metals and other poisons
  • Acts as an antidote to the injection
  • Dissolves blood clots and cancerous tumors
  • Helps to heal heart disease
  • Resets the DNA back to its original blueprint


Urine Therapy, known as Uropathy, is well known amongst various Religious scriptures, Ayurvedic volumes, and many western doctors in past and present history. It is the practice of using either fresh or aged urine medicinally, either by consuming via the mouth, taking internally via enemas or douches, or externally on skin via massaging and compresses.

Mostly it refers to using one’s own urine, but urine from other animals has also been used. Urea, one of the components of urine, is an STA approved drug used as a diuretic, [42] and urea from horses is commonly used in face creams and anti-aging products. [39] In Islam Camel urine is mentioned as an aid for belly problems and other health issues. Multiple clinics in India practice urine therapy and you can even buy cow’s urine to drink in cans! [40]

While it is currently perhaps one of the more challenging therapies for many people to grasp, due to our conditioning around urine being labelled a waste product, it is actually so beneficial that some label it the “Elixir of youth.” [39] Before your ‘ewww’ factor kicks in too hard, perhaps consider that urine is extracted out of the blood in the kidney [42], and in fact is labelled ‘plasma ultra-filtrate’ by scientists. [42] Not only that, but amniotic fluid is 96-98% urine, and a baby’s lungs cannot develop properly without it. So we all essentially spend the first 9 months of our developing life swimming in our mamma’s pee. [42]

Now back to adulthood. Why on earth would you want to drink your wee? Apparently it is great for your health, dissolves cancer tumors, dissolves blood clots, neutralizes poisons, regenerates cells, heals skin issues and cures a huge variety of illnesses. Also, it’s free. Well, unless you buy canned cow pee, it’s free.

Full Text: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/urine-therapy-for-detoxification-and-healing-by-indigo-ed-dr-chapman-chen/

Original link: https://detoxify4health.com/wp/urine-therapy/


Amandha Vollmer said “the body is always trying to help itself, and get back to homeostasis,” and therefore we would be wise to learn to work with the natural direction of the body rather than work against it or try to supress it. [39] Dr. Lee Merritt mentioned that Ancient medicine was about purification and detoxification. [41] If you consider that urine is considered the ultimate antidote to most if not all poisons, as well as a detoxifier and diuretic, then you will see why it is considered by so many to be an important remedy.


Before we look at what urine can do for us, let’s see exactly what it is. Every type of vitamin, mineral, hormone and anti-body in the blood is also in the urine, which aid immunity and boost defense against many diseases. [35][42]

The bulk of Urine is made of about 95% water and 3% Urea. The rest is a combination of Ammonia, Antibodies, Anti-venoms, Calcium, Carbohydrates, Chloride, Creatine, Electrolytes, Enzymes, Fatty Acids, Hormones, Magnesium, Metabolites, Pigments, Potassium, Sodium, Stem cells, Tissue salts and Urokinaise. There are also apparently 6 unidentified molecules in urine, so the healing components cannot be synthesized – not for lack of trying though! [40]

There can also be a small percentage of toxic elements in urine, though these can actually upregulate the body’s ability to detoxify the same elements. [39][40] One woman who had lethal levels of mercury in her body had only 0.00015mg of mercury per liter of urine, so a toxic body does not necessarily mean toxic urine. [42] In fact Amandha Vollmer says that small amounts of toxins may be good as they trigger the body to flush them out. [39]


Urine dissolves waste products and toxins in the body. They are then removed through the mouth, nose, anus and skin, which may lead to vomiting, cough, cold, diarrhea and skin eruptions. While uncomfortable, these symptoms are very helpful for detoxification, so should be encouraged rather than repressed. [35]

It is a strong inhibitor of the growth of Tuberculosis, and scientists spent 11 years trying to isolate the substance killing TB but could not. Chemotherapy treatment for Cancer has a very low survival rate, but urine therapy has cured many tumors without creating any issues for the patient. [42] Urine cleans cholesterol in arteries [35] and stimulates anti-body production so in that way it acts as a vaxxine is supposed to. [42]

Urokinaise, from urine, is found to activate substances in the blood to dissolve blood clots, which in turn aids diseases such as of the cardiac and respiratory systems. [35][40] Urea is required for synthesis of protein [42], and the Stem cells in your first urine of the day help to repair your cells. [40]


In the case of bites and stings from insects and snakes, an antidote is created in the urine within 20 seconds. Amandha Vollmer tried this on her own daughter who was stung by a wasp, and within seconds of internal and external application of her pee, had forgotten about the sting. By the time they got home there was no welt or any evidence that the incident had even taken place. [39]

Dr Lee Merritt said soldiers are told to pee on snake bites to receive the anti-venom the body produces. She claimed Cov!d acts like a poison, and like me she doesn’t trust the virology narrative at all, so it makes sense that a substance known to neutralize poisons will also neutralize whatever Cov!d is. [41]


Amandha Vollmer

Has been using urine for decades both internally and on her skin with great health benefits, and as previously mentioned she treated her daughter with it. She is also experimenting with aged urine which greatly increases the stem cell count. In one discussion her host Sascha mentioned her own daughter who was adversely affected by being born with only one kidney; she drank her pee daily and regulated her kidney function after only 10 days. [39]

Dr. Edward Group

As of June 2022, has been practicing urotherapy for 14 months, and says it contains everything you need to heal your body. One of his first experiences was using it to successfully treat a fractured foot after an accident. He claims his healing took 6 days instead of the usual few weeks. [40]

Dr Rashid Buttar

States that urine is the antidote to cancer, as there are antigens in cancer, and the body create antibodies to those antigens which are then in the urine. Patients with stage 4 cancers have successfully dissolved them with urine therapy for many years now. [41]

During a discussion amongst doctors, Dr. Lee Merritt and Dr. Larry Palevsky both reported improvements in both internal and skin health after using regular urine therapy following a talk by Dr. Edward Group. [41]

Martha Christie

She began educating others about the wonders of urine when in desperation after devastating illness she began to try it for herself with great results. [37] Christy also mentioned many reports and studies of successful urine therapy among doctors and scientists til the 1930s, when pharmaceuticals especially antibiotics took over. These included Charles Duncan MD, who first wrote about it in 1918 for treating UTIs, cystitis and diabetes, Dr. Gault in the 1930s who treated eye disease and Dr. Chemine from Italy who used it as a vaxxine type therapy. Countless doctors around the world have used urine for decades intravenously. [42]


During times of war many soldiers have been instructed to use their urine topically in internally in the case of snake bite, which is common on some areas.


Apparently the Tibetan Lamas maintain their health in harsh environments though the practise of drinking their urine.  [35]


In the ancient Indian practice of Ayurveda, urine is considered a killer of poisons, a purifier of blood, a rejuvenator a cure of all skin diseases, and important during religious vows and rituals.


Many believe that Proverb 5:15, “drink waters from your own cistern, running water from your own well.” refer to the use of taking urine internally. But there are plenty who say this is a mistranslation, so this is so far unconfirmed in my book. [46]


Urine Therapy is known as Amroli in tantric yoga practice, where it is considered a spiritual practice first of all, and thought able to create immortality.

Within the field of Tantra yoga is the practice of Shivambu Kalpa-Vidhi, which is described in 107 verses from a 5000 year old Indian text. This details the method of drinking one’s own urine for rejuvenation.

It recommends the now popular method of drinking the midstream flow from the first urine of the early morning, to remove senility and disease. When followed daily the following effects are said to be had on the practitioner.

  • 1 month – internal purification
  • 2 months – energizes the senses
  • 3 months – destroys all diseases
  • 5 months – divine vision and free of disease
  • 6 months – high intelligence
  • 7 months – extraordinary strength
  • 8 months – permanent glow ‘like gold’
  • 9 months – free from tuberculosis and leprosy
  • 10 months – treasury of luster
  • 11 months – purify organs
  • 12 months – equal to the sun in radiance

After 12 years it is said no poisons can kill him, he cannot be consumed by fire, and he can ‘float on water’, which would be a cool party trick. Combinations with various spices (such as Amritaka and Ginger), foods (Such as honey) and practices follow this for cleansing and strengthening the physical and spiritual body in many different ways. There are also instructions for massaging with urine but only once it has reduced to 25% volume after being stored in an earthen pot.


Dr. Faten Abdel-Rahman Khorshid studied the effects of camel urine for cancer treatment, after being inspired by advice from Prophet Muhammad in a Hadith mentioning the use of camel milk and urine for medical use in humans. Dr. Khorshid found nano-particles in the camel urine which show promise in treating cancer, after some cases demonstrated significant reduction in tumor size. Studies are continuing on lung, stomach, colon, breast cancers and more. [45]


1963: A study by Albert Szent-Gyorgi et al mentioned that urine therapy has over 2000 years of history as a folk remedy, and at least 45,000 injections of urine and / or its components have been administered in the past 30 years with no ill effects. [37]


Many doctors testify to the efficacy of Urotherapy for cancer. Dr. Rabagilati of Bradford for instance reported his patients had breast cancer tumors reverse and disappear within 4-14 days when using Urotherapy. In addition Dr S.R. Burzynskj M.D. used a derivative from urine to reverse malignant cells to normal. [35]


This property of urine could explain why many tout it as a remedy to remove the spike protein.

1900: Spiro was a German researcher found that urea has a unique ability to dissolve foreign proteins, which include ‘viruses’ and allergens. It was later confirmed that polio and rabies were destroyed by urea, though as I believe viruses do not exist I suspect that it was more to do with detoxifying poisons as opposed to destroying a ‘virus’. [37]

1902: In the American Journal of Physiology, researcher W. Ramsden also reported protein dissolving properties of urine, and its anti-bacterial action also demonstrated effective treatment of wounds to prevent putrefaction. [37]

1963: A study by Dr. Carmelo Giordano from the Naples University School of Medicine focused on a malfunction with kidneys where they do not digest proteins properly which can lead to severe health issues. By adding urea to the diet this issue was rectified.  [37]


1988: Dr. Alvin Friedman-Kien et al found antibodies to HIV-1 in the urine of AIDS patients. [37]


1993: It was discovered that urine increased immune response, T-cell population and viral resistance in participants. [37]


1982: A study by Dr. William D. Linscott, PhD, found that antibodies in the urine which were triggered following the introduction of antigen receptors were an important regulator of the immune response. [37]


Your pee can be used everywhere! Can be applied to the eyes, ears, nose, scalp, skin, gargled and swallowed. Can be rubbed on, massaged in, used in an eye dropper, in baths and footbaths and compresses. [39]



The first urine of the morning is recommended to use as it is rich in stem cells and metabolites. [39] To collect urine, allow some of it to pass to clean out the urinary passage, before collecting the desired amount of urine for use as a general health tonic. Urine must be used fresh – within 15 minutes. It may have some discoloration, strong odour, even protein or puss if the health is compromised, but after a few days this will clear and the quality will be more palatable. [35] If you don’t like the idea of drinking urine straight, you can mix it with fruit juice such as berry or orange, but avoid apple. [39]

  • Internal dosage ranges from a teaspoon to a full glass depending on your age, and what feels right for you. [35]
  • Amandha Vollmer recommends 1-2 oz internally, starting with a few drops under the tongue and working your way up to the desired dose. [39]
  • Merritt recommends 1-4oz., or 30-120ml of fresh urine taken midstream from the first urine of the day. [41]

If you can’t stomach the idea of drinking pee, it is even beneficial to place just 1 or 2 drops under the tongue for a homeopathic dose. This gives the body a snapinjection of the current state of itself – which changes constantly. This then triggers the body into whichever processes it requires to maintain health. [39]

A process called ‘looping’ is used for chronic illness, which is where all the urine passed is drunk during a fast til healing is complete. It is recommended to dry fast during this time, unless you are dehydrated in which case take some filtered water. [39]

For acute illnesses combining this with urine enemas and urine rubbing is recommended to aid a quick recovery, but please speak with a Urotherapist if this is the case. [35]


For skin treatment or rashes, bites, burns, acne, psoriasis, or indeed any skin issue, simply rub fresh urine into the affected area as often as needed. If I have bites or irritation I rub a little urine on every time I pee, as well as a homeopathic drop under the tongue, as the components of it change as the needs of the body change throughout the day.


For general skin health you can collect your morning midstream urine, take your internal dose, and use the rest to rub into your skin and hair. I do this standing in the shower cubicle with the fan on to reduce the smell, then after a few minutes of all over massage simply shower it off and rinse down the shower itself. I rarely use soap as there is no need, and this process leaves the skin refreshed without stripping the oil off. I do find I still need to add soap or shampoo to the front of my hair or it looks a little heavy.

For excessive menstrual bleeding, place a cotton wool soaked in urine into the vagina overnight, and during the day also if required. A compress of urine can also be placed over the vagina to speed up healing. [35]

Urine is completely sterile so it is recommended on wounds, infections, in eyes and ears, and in fact in any orifice! Apparently even IV therapy used to contain sterilized urine. [39]


For breast cancers that are moving out through the skin. [39] If you have cancer please seek guidance from your health practitioner before trying this method.

  1. Cleanse the area.
  2. Apply 50% – 70% DMSO
  3. Apply a castor oil pack
  4. Cleanse the area with Bicarb soda
  5. Apply 50% – 70% DMSO
  6. Apply a urine pack


Urine is considered aged after anything from 4 days of storage. Some age it for up to 4, even 9 months and this is considered to be very powerful. The stem cells multiply by the millions during this time, and the urine can then be used for enemas for parasites, to ingest and to do urine rubbing. When aged it is recommended to filter it first with a fine stainless strainer, and some sediment can occur. [39]

Dr. Group recommends ‘Evolving’ urine by placing in a window sill where it will receive some sun for 9 days or up to 9 months. [40]

When aging urine the uric acid breaks down to ammonia, hence the pungent smell in areas without proper flushing toilets!!  For this purpose you will want to age your urine somewhere it will not affect the wellbeing of your nasal passages and your housemates… after a couple of weeks the ammonia will dissipate.


  • Do not use during pregnancy. [39]
  • Do not use during heavy menstruation as this may indicate high levels of toxicity in the body and blood. [39]
  • If you are heavily toxic it is recommended to detoxify in other ways first.  [39]
  • Opioids and other recreational drugs can be recycled via the urine, so it is not advised to practice it if you have been partying recently. [40]
  • If you are using medications, wait til at least 30 minutes after urine therapy before taking them. [40]
  • While many experts disagree, Dr. Merritt recommends you test your urine before use, especially if you are particularly acidic. It should be 6.5-7.0, but if it is very acidic at around 5, add some sodium bicarbonate to alkalize it. [42]
  • During Urotherapy it is recommended to avoid refined, processed foods, alcohol, and tobacco. Keep food light and avoid overeating. [35]

SOURCE: https://detoxify4health.com/wp/urine-therapy/

So you can apparently buy cows’ urine in India, and Camel urine in Arabic countries.

  • But, you know, you are the source baby!!


[39] Vollmer A D, September 2022, Sovereign Collective Podcast 47 – Supporting Detox in Today’s Increasingly Toxic World with ADV, Sascha Says @ Youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbOOjWzTJ4A

[40] Group E, 18 June 2022, Ep. 121: The Power of Urine Therapy with Dr. Edward Group, The Courtenay Turner Podcast, @ Rumble: www.rumble.com/v18x29f-ep.-121-the-power-of-urine-therapy-with-dr.-edward-group-the-courtenay-turn.html

[41] Palevsky L, Merritt L, et al, 28 June 2022, 100th Episode Of Critically Thinking – A Celebration and Critically Thinking Session with the 5 Docs, Critically Thinking with Dr T & Dr P: www.odysee.com/@CriticallyThinking:3/Critically_Thinking_with_Dr_T_and_Dr_P_Episode_100_5_DOCS_June_23:2

[42] Christy M, date of talk unknown, circa 1994, uploaded 4 August 2022, URINE THERAPY – CURING CANCER, ALLERGIES, ARTHRITIS MM – MARTHA CHRISTY, essene07 @ Rumble: www.rumble.com/v1ehnm9-urine-therapy-curing-cancer-allergies-arthritis-mm-martha-christy.html


Dr. Edward Group has created this fantastic resource including many books, studies and information on Urotherapy: www.urotherapyresearch.com




Full Text: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/urine-therapy-for-detoxification-and-healing-by-indigo-ed-dr-chapman-chen/?fbclid=IwAR3NwhTXrNZuWUxsG-Vhg1_mbblOE2P8dzRVv_BvE8HhBY-B9L_l7rBtvtE 
Original link: https://detoxify4health.com/wp/2023/02/28/yoga/

The Benefits of Urine Therapy. By Martha Christy. Ed. Dr. Chapman Chen

Thousands of medicines are available in the market for various diseases. Every medicine has an individual effect on body organs & its various systems. Stomach medications cannot be put in eyes. Eye medicine is not used for the ear & ear medicine is not suitable for the mouth. But Urine is the only medicine prepared in the human body which provides a universal remedy as well as prevention and answer for almost every kind of disease, whatever may be its name, its cause or its stage. Also it needs no doctor for diagnosis of disease. 

God has given such a golden precious gift right from our birth which is capable of addressing diseases whether it is Acute or Chronic as per modern health science. This fact has been described in Scriptures of various Religions and Ayurveda. Urine is one of the unpolluted things in this polluted world. Just like nature has provided milk in the mother’s breast for nourishment of the infant child, similarly nature has also provided urine in the human body for preservation of its health and for the elimination of various diseases.


Uropathy or urotherapy is the method of healing disease by the application and use of one’s own golden elixir known as Urine Therapy. Uropathy was originally a spiritual practice rather than a method of treatment. They termed it as a holy liquid i.e. Shivambu. According to ancient texts, Urine is more nutritious than even mothers Milk! We are not only physically benefitted by its practice, but we can be spiritually advanced, because it is an elixir for body, mind and spirit! There are stories of olden times and even recent ones of travelers and explorers who were often put into hardships and seclusion while in desert and sea and when water got exhausted, they survived for days by drinking their own urine and successfully completed their journey. After nearly 100 years of modern study, medical researchers, in reference to this fluid and its components, report these findings: 

> In clinical studies using an extract of this fluid on cancer patients, most patients in the study showed remarkable improvement after only one week of treatment and continued treatment produced a reduction in tumor size and normalization of biochemical tests with-out toxic or dangerous side effects. — Dr. S. Burzynski Physiology, Chemistry & Physics, 1977 

> It surprisingly and easily kills viruses. In strong concentration, it not only weakens viruses such as polio and rabies, but actually destroys them. — Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Biology, 1936 

> Natural antibodies to the HIV virus appear in this fluid in patients diagnosed with AIDS. — New York University Medical Center, 1988 

> Sufficiently concentrated, it will kill gonorrhea bacteria. — Dr. Robert C. Noble Division of Infectious Disease University of Kentucky College of Medicine, 1987 

> It is capable of controlling a wide range of food, environmental and chemical allergies. — Dr. C.M.W. Wilson Department of Geriatric Medicine Law Hospital, Scotland, 1983 

> It is capable of killing or stopping the growth of the bacteria that causes Tuberculosis. — The American Review of Tuberculosis, 1954 

> This agent is one of the safest and most useful diuretics known. Its use is indicated in the treatment of excess pressure on the brain and eyes, inoperable brain tumors, skull fractures, and cerebral contusions. Further trials of this substance are warranted in the treatment of chronic glaucoma, hydrocephalus, delirium tremens, premenstrual edema, meningitis and epilepsy. — Symposium on Surgery of the Head and Neck 

> Urea – New Use Of An Old Agent, 1957: This substance acts as an excellent and safe natural vaccine and has been shown to cure a wide variety of disorders including chronic and acute hepatitis, whooping-cough, asthma, hay fever, hives, migraine and intestinal dysfunctions. The method is so simple it can be used without any difficulties. — Plesch Medical Press, London, 1947 

> It was found that many physical illnesses were relieved, such as multiple sclerosis, colitis, hypertension, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis, hyperactivity, pancreatic insufficiency, psoriasis and eczema, diabetes, herpes zoster, and Mononucleosis. — Dr. N. Dunne – Medical Advisor to the Irish Allergy Treatment and Research Association, Oxford Medical Symposium, 1981 

> Certain fractions of this substance have an inhibitory action on the growth of malignant tumors in mice…while smaller doses inhibit growth, bigger ones make the tumors regress. — Science Magazine, 1963 

> More scientific papers have probably been published on this substance than on any other organic compound. — Journal of the American Medical Association July 3, 1954 

> “Urine is the main component of the amniotic fluid that bathes the human fetus. Normally, the baby ‘breathes’ this urine-filled amniotic fluid into its lungs. If the urinary tract is blocked, the fetus does not produce the fluid, and without it, the lungs do not develop.” — New York Times Medical Section, August 16, 1988 

> “Urine can be regarded as one of the most complex of all body fluids. It contains practically all of the constituents found in the blood.” — Urinalysis in Clinical and Laboratory Practice 

> In August of 1993, Forbes magazine printed an article about Fabio Bertarelli who owns the world’s largest fertility-drug producing company called the Ares-Serono Group based in Geneva, whose most important product is the drug Pergonal which increases the chances of conception. Guess what Pergonal is made from. “To make Pergonal, Ares-Serono collects urine samples from 110,000 postmenopausal women volunteers in Italy, Spain, Brazil and Argentina. From 26 collection centers the urine is sent to Rome, where Ares-Serono technicians then isolate the ovulation-enhancing hormone.” — Forbes 

> An article in the New York State Journal of Medicine in 1980 by Dr. John R. Herman, Clinical Professor of Urology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, points out the general misconceptions regarding urine and its medical use: “Auto Uropathy (urine therapy) did flourish in many parts of the world and it continues to flourish today…there is, unknown to most of us, a wide usage of uropathy and a great volume of knowledge available showing the multitudinous advantages of this modality Urine is only a derivative of the blood…If the blood should not be considered ‘unclean’, then the urine also should not be so considered. Normally excreted, urine is a fluid of tremendous variations of composition Actually, the listed constituents of human urine can be carefully checked and no items not found in human diet are found in it. Percentages differ, of course, but urinary constituents are valuable to human metabolism… ” 

> Medical researchers at the University of California at Berkeley reported in 1982 that they have discovered that: Uric acid could be a defense against cancer and aging. It also destroys body-damaging chemicals called free radicals that are present in food, water and air and are considered to be a cause of cáncer and breakdowns in immune function. Uric acid could be one of the things that enable human beings to live so much longer than other mammals. — Omni Magazine, Oct. 1982 

> A MYSTERIOUS biochemical substance that safely and naturally induces deep sleep has been found in human urine. Dubbed “Factor S” by the scientists at Harvard University and the University of Chicago, the substance has proved to be especially effective as a promoter of healthy sleep… 

> 1900: A German researcher by the name of Spiro reported his discovery that urea solutions have a remarkable ability to “dissolve” foreign proteins. This is medically important because viruses, for example, are molecular proteins as are allergens. Later research confirmed that urea has an amazing ability to rapidly and easily destroy viruses such as polio and rabies viruses. 

> In 1902, W. Ramsden, another researcher, published a report in the American Journal of Physiology further detailing the protein dissolving properties of urea. Ramsden also discovered that urea prevented putrefaction in wounds. His work is often referred to by later researchers looking into the anti-bacterial applications of urea. 

> In the 1918 book called “Autotherapy”, Dr. Charles H. Duncan observed: “There is scarcely a pathogenic (disease) condition which does not affect the urine contents…It may be said that urine is like a weather vane, sensitively registering any change in the patient’s condition, be it great or small. Many pathogenic conditions…are quickly cured by the therapeutic employment of urine alone…it is significant, indeed, when Clark’s Materia Medica gives many conditions in which uric acid and urea have been proved to be therapeutically effective. 

> In the New York Medical Journal of December 14 and 21, 1912 and in the Therapeutic Record of January 1914, I reported that I was employing urine successfully in the treatment of many conditions…since then it has been employed successfully both by myself and many other physicians in treating patients suffering with a great variety of pathogenic conditions.” AUTOTHERAPY, (book), 1918, by Dr. Charles H. Duncan. Dr. Duncan was the Attending Surgeon, Genito-Urinary Specialist and co-founder of the Volunteer Hospital, New York City. 

> AUTO-URINE THERAPY, 1934, by Dr. Martin Krebs, (pediatrician), from a lecture delivered at the Society of Pediatricians, Leipzig. Dr. Krebs, a practicing pediatrician in Dresden, like many other physicians, was intrigued by reports of the medical uses of patients’ own urine to treat and cure a wide variety of disorders. Like Dr. Duncan and other practitioners referred to this practice as autourine therapy. Dr. Krebs began injecting urine in the course of his own medical practice and was surprised at the rapid and often extraordinary response: “Through intramuscular injections of the patient’s own urine, allergies and certain spastic conditions in children are remarkably improved. 

> URINE THERAPY, 1935, by Dr. M. Garotescu, published in the medical journal, Romania Medicala. In this report, the author, Dr. Garotescu, describes his experiences in treating cystitis, a painful inflammation, or infection of the bladder which commonly affects women and can lead to more serious conditions, such as kidney infections. Dr. Garotescu treated numerous cases of cystitis with injections of the patients’ own urine, and discovered that these treatments produced excellent results, which were corroborated by laboratory tests showing that the cystitis bacteria had completely disappeared after the urine injection treatments. 

> THE EFFECT OF URINE EXTRACTS ON PEPTIC ULCER, 1941, by David J. Sandweiss, M.D., M.H. Sugarman, M.D., M.H.F. Friedman, Ph.D., H.C. Saltzstein, M.D., (Research aided by grants from the Mendelson Fund and Parke-Davis & Co.). The researchers reported, among other things, that: 1) urine contains a type of gastric secretory suppressant (or antacid) called urogastrone, that can protect against irritation of the stomach lining that may lead to ulcers. 2) certain urine extracts also encouraged healing of ulcers by stimulating the growth of new cells, tissues and blood vessels in the damaged area. 

> URINE THERAPY, 1947, by Professor J. Plesch, M.D., From an article in the English medical journal, The Medical Press (London). USE OF URINE THERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, ASTHMA, ALLERGIES, MIGRAINES, VIRAL INFECTIONS, HAY FEVER, DIABETES, GOUT, DYSFUNCTION OF THE ADRENAL AND THYROID GLANDS, HEART CONDITIONS. Dr. Plesch, an English physician, used natural urine injections in his medical practice extensively and with excellent success on a large variety of disease conditions:”…In fact, my recommendation to use the urine of the infected person for auto-vaccination is only an extension of the methods of Jenner and Pasteur and therefore it is strange that auto-urine vaccination has not been used before. The main difference between the Pasteur-Fenner methods and auto-urine therapy lies in the fact that by inoculating the fresh urine of the patient the active infectious material has been weakened by passage through the recipient’s own body. I am convinced from my experience that it is worthwhile investigating this method systematically with respect to all infectious diseases, including poliomyelitis, etc. Moreover, during the application of this therapy, I observed some remarkable effects. Among my first patients whom I treated by urine therapy was a typical case of asthma. Immediately after the first injection and before the vaccination effect had time to develop, this patient lost his daily attacks of asthma. 

> THE EFFECT OF HUMAN URINE ON TUBERCULE BACILLI, 1951 by Dr. K.B. Bjornesjo, From the Department of Medical Chemistry, Uppsala, Sweden. Although some medical researchers for many years had been aware that different body fluids such as serum and saliva had an inhibitory effect on tuberculosis bacteria, Bjornesjo, a Scandinavian researcher, discovered that urine was much more effective that any other body fluids in arresting the growth of tuberculosis bacilli: “In a preliminary experiment performed in this laboratory employing (solutions of) saliva, serum and urine from different subjects…it became apparent that under the experimental conditions the inhibitory effect of saliva and serum was very weak…On the other hand urine seemed to have a considerably stronger inhibitory effect and a concentration of 50 per cent urine in (a) medium completely inhibited the growth of the tubercule bacilli in most cases…” 

> ISOLATION FROM HUMAN URINE OF A POLYPEPTIDE HAVING MARKED TUBERCULOSTATIC ACTIVITY, 1965, by Shusuke Tsuji, et. al, From the Fifth Division of the Tuberculosis Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan. In one of the opening statements of this report, the researchers comment that: “The vast majority of Japanese adults are tuberculin positive…” which is apparently why the laboratory evidence of urine’s anti-TB property was of interest to Japanese researchers and why they conducted their own search for the anti-TB element in urine: “In short, although it has been a well known fact that human urine has definite capacity to inhibit the growth of tubercule bacilli…the chemical nature of the active substance has been obscure. In our investigations it has become clear that at least one of the active agents is a polypeptide.” Although these researchers did identify one of the active elements in urine’s tuberculostatic activity as a polypeptide (which is a chain of amino acids), they also admitted that there are other “as yet undetermined agents” responsible for urine’s anti-TB property. The results of the present study and those of Roberts and Beard and Asscher et al. suggest that antibacterial activity of human urine may be an important factor in preventing urinary tract infection and may also help to select (affect the reproduction of) bacterial strains when infection does occur.” 

> NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY TO POLIOVIRUSES IN NORMAL HUMAN URINE, 1962, by Martin Lerner, Jack Remington and Maxwell Finland, Journal of Clinical Investigation. (From the Throndike Memorial Laboratory, Harvard Medical Services, Boston City Hospital, and the Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston Massachusetts, Journal of Clinical Investigation. SUBJECT: NATURAL ANTIBODIES FOUND IN URINE: The research in this study was based in large part on several previous studies on the presence of important natural antibodies that have been found in urine. Actually, there are so many research studies that have been done on the presence of antibodies in urine that it would be impossible to discuss them all, so we’ll look at this study and one other, both of which give a good general overview of the subject. We all know the importance of anti-bodies in fighting disease. When we are exposed to foreign organisms which our bodies sense as threatening, our immune system produces a wide variety of antibodies which attack, weaken and destroy the intruders. Most of us think that these antibodies are found only in our blood. But numerous research studies have proven that a wide variety of antibodies are also present in our urine when we are fighting disease – and these important antibodies can be reused by the body in urine therapy. As this study in 1962 revealed, urine antibodies are extremely effective disease-fighters and are capable of actively neutralizing or destroying even the aggressive polio virus. 

> In another research report published in 1967 by immunologists from Mount Sinai Hospital in New York on the presence of polio antibody in urine, the researchers confirmed that: “It is clear that IGA polio antibody is present in…urine…It seems likely that antibodies of this type may play a part in the defense against invasion of microorganisms.” (Demonstration of IgA Polio Antibody in Saliva, Duodenal Fluid and Urine, 1967).” 

> USE OF EXOGENOUS AND ENDOGENOUS UREA FOR PROTEIN SYNTHESIS IN NORMAL AND UREMIC SUBJECTS, 1963, by Dr. Carmelo Giordano, from the Renal Laboratory, Naples University School of Medicine. This study has to do with one of the most difficult problems in renal, or kidney disorders, which is the patient’s impaired ability to synthesize, or in other words, break down and use protein. Protein is normally broken down into nitrogen and other constituents by both the liver and the kidneys, but when the kidneys malfunction because of infection, damage, etc. and can’t break down protein efficiently, protein depletion occurs, nitrogen levels are altered in the body and the person’s health is severely threatened. The study demonstrated that: “If urea was added to the diet, enough synthesis of nonessential amino acids occurred to achieve equilibrium or even positive nitrogen balance.” As Giordano points out: “With the use of a synthetic diet containing essential amino acids in low quantity, it is shown that urea, either if given exogenously or if taken endogenously from waste nitrogen retained in uremia, is utilized for the synthesis of non-essential amino acids.” 

> CHARACTERIZATION OF ANTIBODIES IN HUMAN URINE, 1965, by Dr. Lars A. Hanson and Eng M. Tan, (From the Rockefeller Institute, N.Y., N.Y.). published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. This study is another research project done on antibodies in human urine. The report stated that: Human urine contains proteins that have been shown to be identical with serum (blood) immunoglobulin or (antibodies). Antibody activity in urine has been demonstrated against several microorganisms including cholera, salmonella, diphtheria, tetanus and polio. Many of the doctors who used urine therapy on patients early in the twentieth century such as Duncan, and Plesch noted that the ingestion or injection of an individual’s own urine had an often amazing curative effect on a surprisingly wide variety of bacterial and viral-related illnesses such as hepatitis, whooping cough, mumps, chicken pox and influenza. 

> URINE THERAPY AND CANCER – H-11 FOR CANCER, by Dr. J.H. Thompson, 1943, published in the British Medical Journal, (7/31/43). In the late 1930’s and early 40’s, many medical researchers such as Dr. Thompson, were experimenting with an anti-cancer urine extract referred to as H-11. Many of the hundreds of researchers who had conducted the studies on H-11 in cancer treatments over approximately a 12-year period experienced excellent results which unfortunately were ignored by the medical community. The researchers reportedly demanded that a medical research council be set up to review their complaints, stating that their research findings on successful H-11 cancer treatments were being unjustly ignored by the medical establishment. The clinical and laboratory findings on the use of this extract on cancer patients were reported in the British Medical Journal by Dr. J.H. Thompson, and revealed that over 300 independent doctors and researchers had found that H-11 was clinically effective in inhibiting the growth of malignant cells in humans. 

> URINE EXTRACT ON MALIGNANT TUMORS, 1961, by Dr. Novak, published in the German Journal of Internal Medicine. This is an extremely interesting report from a German doctor who utilized injections of a natural urine extract prepared from each patients’ own urine to treat several different types of cancer including stomach, colon, rectal, breast, lung, uterine, lymph node and gall bladder malignancies. The results were remarkable in the majority of the 21 cases treated. 

> PREPARATION OF REFINE FROM HUMAN URINE, by Albert Szent-Gyorgi, et.al. 1963, published in Science Magazine. Study supported by grants from the National Institute of Health and the National Science Foundation and conducted at the Institute for Muscle Research, in Massachusetts. This study was done on an anti-cancer element that has been extracted from urine called “retire`: “Certain fractions of the urine of children have been shown to stop the growth of transplanted malignant cancer tumors in mice. The substance responsible for this action was called “refine”. We have since found a similar activity in the urine of adults of about 20-25 years.” After studying the effect of refine on several different types of cancerous tumors, the researchers observed that: “Smaller doses of refine inhibit growth of the tumors, while bigger ones actually make the tumors regress.” In the study, a group of mice were injected under the skin with 30 million live cancer cells, and developed subsequent tumors. The mice were then treated with refine for a week and the researchers noted That: “The tumors of the mice treated with 6 units of refine for a week, upon examination, were found to contain very little live cancer tissue and consisted chiefly of dead cancer cells.” Unfortunately, reline has not been publicized as an anti-cancer agent, but this study, as do others, demonstrates that there are important anticancer factors in urine that have been shown to be amazingly effective in destroying and stopping the growth of malignant cancerous tumors and cells. 

> Actually, urine therapy has been used as a folk remedy for cancer and other ailments for over 2,000 years. Even within the past 30 years, at least 45,000 injections of urine or urine extract were given in the United States and throughout Europe without any toxic side effects.” 

> DHEA: “MIRACLE” DRUG? 1982, by Saul Kent, published In Geriatrics, September, 1982. SUBJECT: AIDS, OBESITY, CANCER, AGING, This report deals with a substance which is found in large quantities in the urine called dehydroepiandrosterone or DHEA to us. DHEA is a hormone that is already present in the body, and is actually related to testosterone, a male hormone. Within the last decade, scientists have been analyzing and experimenting with this hormone because it apparently has significant anti-cancer, anti-obesity and anti-aging properties and has even been used in AIDS treatment.”This suggests that DHEA may have an anti-aging effect as well as anti-cancer and anti-obesity effects.” Users of urine therapy have reported for years that they weighed less and looked remarkably younger after consistent use of urine therapy. 

> Urine extracts have in fact turned out to be a retardant of tumors as numerous investigations have shown, including those by RHODENBURG and NAGY[8], TURNER[9], STEELE, KOCH and STEINER[10], MAGNELA, KAPLAN and HYSON[11], THOMPSON[12], MURLIN and others[13], NORRIS and MAGNARICH[14], WOLLHEIM[15], HERBUT, TSALTAS and KRAEMER[16], COMPTON and PANNETT[17], PANNETT[18] and Nobel prize winner SZENT-GYORGI, HGYELI and McLAUGHLIN[19] which all point in the direction of the growth and tumor inhibiting property of urine extracts. 

> An article done on AIDS treatments in 1988 in the magazine, SPIN, discusses the use of urine therapy in AIDS: “One of the latest and most interesting treatments for which the alternative community is holding a lot of hope is probably the oldest natural remedy known to man. It’s called urine therapy and consists of drinking one’s own urine and rubbing one’s entire body with it…’Urine therapy has been around for a long time…’ said one NYC private practitioner who supports the therapy…When you have something that works, that’s been around for a long time, even though it doesn’t fit into any of the ‘scientific’ approaches, and there are many things that don’t, I would say try it…if I had AIDS I would definitely try it.'” Ironically, urine therapy is one of the most scientifically corroborated of all natural therapies, and has been a scientific healing approach used for almost a century by mainstream medical researchers. 

> Bay Area Reporter, August 9, 1990: “Thanks to the research of Dr. Alvin Friedman-Kien and his staff at the New York University Medical Center it was discovered in 1988 that the antibodies to HIV-1 appear in the urine of patients diagnosed with AIDS: According to the involved researchers ‘urine is not considered infectious because it has not been shown to contain the virus, only the antibodies’. 

> Townsend Letter For Doctors, June, 1993: During allergy research studies, in using natural urine therapy for allergy patients, it was also noted that Urine: “…greatly increased immune response, noticeably affecting and increasing the T-cell population and the body’s resistance to viral infections.”

> Physician’s Handbook on Immune-Tolerance: This research report revealed that: “There seems to be an enhanced response or stimulation of the immune system, mostly of the T-cell population (with the use of urine therapy). While under treatment, patients reported an absence of viral diseases (flu, colds, etc.), or greatly decreased symptoms. In a few patients who exhibited low T-cell counts, the T-cell population was restored to normal after finishing their treatment…” 

> TITLE SPECIFIC IMMUNOLOGIC UNRESPONSIVENESS, 1982, by Dr. William D. Linscott, PhD, (published in Basic and Clinical Immunology). Dr. Linscott’s studies showed that when these antigen receptors (or renegade white blood cells), were reintroduced into the body, the body actually developed antibodies to these antigen receptors, and the antibodies then stopped the allergic response: “These antigen receptors are found in low concentrations in urine. By injecting the receptors, it has been possible to induce antibodies against the antigen receptors which can then limit or even abort an ongoing allergic response. These antibodies may in fact be an important regulator of the immune response.” 

> This was an award-winning report delivered at the Oxford Medical Symposium in March, 1981, dealing with the treatment of allergies with urine therapy. THE USE OF INJECTED AND SUBLINGUAL URINE IN THE TREATMENT OF ALLERGIES, 1981, by Dr. Nancy Dunne. Dr. Nancy Dunne was medical advisor to the Irish Allergy Treatment and Research Association, founder of the Irish Orthomolecular Medical Association and a member of several allergy research societies: “A simple technique for treating allergies — Auto-Immune Urine Therapy (A.I.U.) is rapidly gaining recognition in the United States and may well prove to be the method of the future. A.I.U. therapy provided clinical relief lasting many years without further treatment. 

> Serious adverse reactions to urine injection therapy are unknown—in over 100,000 treatments, Dr. Fife has not had one. Minor reactions are limited to occasional resurgence of familiar allergic symptoms or slight temporary malaise…

> IMMUNO-TOLERANCE, Physician’s Handbook, 1982, from the International Immunology Institute, Canoga Park, California. This report is an extremely comprehensive and thoroughly detailed investigation into historical and current uses of urine therapy in treating allergies: “The application, ingestion and injection of urine has been in existence for at least 4,000 years. It seemingly dies, only to reappear again, time after time. While other ‘fad’ or ‘quack’ treatments have disappeared, urine treatment has remained…”Researchers noted that urine injections not only provided a large measure of relief from allergic symptoms, but also seemed to boost the immune system: “There seems to be an enhanced response or stimulation of the immune system, mostly of the T-cell population [with the use of urine therapy]. While under treatment, patients reported an absence of viral diseases (flu, colds, etc.). or greatly decreased symptoms. 

> TITLE: BACTERICIDAL PROPERTIES OF URINE FOR NEISSERIA GONORRHOEAE 1987 by Robert C. Noble, M.D. and M. Parekh, MS (From the Division of Infectious Disease, Department of Medicine, University of Kentucky College of Medicine). Published in the journal, Sexually Transmitted Diseases) This study was a follow-up to another research program (McCutcheon,et. al, 1977) that had investigated the gonorrhea bacteria-killing properties of urine and had reported that sufficiently concentrated urine can destroy the causative organism of gonorrhea and provide a natural immunity to the disease. In 1987, Noble and Parekh confirmed McCutcheon’s findings that concentrated urine could indeed kill gonorrhea bacteria: ‘These results show that sufficiently concentrated, acidic urines kill gonorrhea bacteria by an unknown mechanism.” 

> IDENTIFICATION OF A SPECIFIC INTERLEUKIN-1 INHIBITOR IN THE URINE OF FEBRILE PATIENTS, 1984, by Zenghua Liao, et.al, published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, Jan. 1984. (Dr. Liao was an exchange scholar from the Fujian Medical Center in China, and this study was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health and others). Interleukin-1 (IL-1), among other things, is one of the body’s immune defense substances which stimulate fever. Fever, as many of us know, helps the body destroy harmful microorganisms. But researchers have discovered that not only does the body produce IL-1 during infection or attack, but that it also produces a substance that slows down, or suppresses the production of IL-1, presumably so that the body does not become too feverish or dangerously inflamed during the illness. This substance that keeps fever under control is called an IL-1 inhibitor. Researchers discovered that this important IL-1 inhibitor substance was found not only in the blood, but in the urine also. In this study, the researchers found that the IL-1 inhibitor substance was present in both normal urine and the urine of febrile patients: “These findings indicate that the IL-1 inhibitor is a normal constituent of human urine, but that the urine levels of this material are significantly increased in febrile states… We have found that the urine of febrile patients contains a potent IL-1 inhibitor. The urine of febrile patients has been found to contain high concentrations of IL-I,” Practitioners of urine therapy, including Duncan, Plesch, Armstrong, Wilson, Dunne and others have reported that internal urine therapy brings down fever during illness or inflammation during allergy attacks. This IL-1 inhibitor substance in urine may well play a part in urine’s anti-inflammatory properties. 

Source: Your Own Perfect Medicine, by Martha Christie 

https://urotherapyresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/your-own-perfect-medicine -martha-christy.pdf