Applications of Urine Therapy. Prof. Kook Hee Kang. Ed. Dr. Chapman Chen

Emeritus Professor Kook-Hee Kang is the person in charge of the Reseat Program, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Seoul, Korea. In his academic article, “Urine Therapy Briefing for Scientists”, Kang (2012) argues that Urine Therapy is not a superstitious folk remedy but an effective alternative medicine for a number of incurables such as chronic fatigue, lingering, a cold, nose allergy, diabetes, high blood pressure, and gout. Indeed, Kang outlines the manifold applications of Urine Therapy as follows:


  1. Life Water in Emergency Situations

Peoples are living in a modern era, but natural disasters are occurring at an alarming rate. They may find themselves in unknown circumstances such as a sudden natural disaster, an earthquake, a volcanic eruption, a tsunami, or an accident. When they find themselves in an emergency situation, the urine may just be their life water. It is seen in survival stories of individuals in collapsed buildings, buried alive in coal or gold mines or lost at sea for days only to survive their ordeal by drinking their own urine. That is a testament to the life-giving properties of urine.


  1. A Cure for Incurable Illnesses

In the 21st century, there are still numerous varieties of incurable illnesses such as cancers, pandemic flu, AIDS, obesity, skin diseases, constipation, melancholy and tinnitus. There is no way by conventional medicines to cure them for complete healing, rapid healing, healing without pain, and healing without cost. Therefore, many of us are looking for traditional and natural therapies such as urine as a cure. Urine Therapy is really convenient to use. Urine is produced by one’s own body. It can be used free anytime and anywhere when needed. Actually, it is being confused with much false medical information such as the swine flu scare ‘false pandemic’ led by the WHO and drug firms (Kang, 1998).


3. Urine Therapy vs Panic due to Misinformation

With the overflow of medical misinformation, it is believed that Urine Therapy can keep one happy and free from the fear syndrome. The Sun News of Jan 11, 2010 tells us that the swine flu outbreak was a ‘false pandemic,’ said Wolfgang Wodarg, head of health at the Council of Europe January 8, 2010. That was great news but remember the fear that people might have suffered due to the misinformation. Also, remember the added precautions taken in public areas, especially at airports, when travelling from one country to another. The USA recently destroyed $250 million worth of swine flu “wetsinations” due to a projected expiration date to permit newer “wetsins” to be created by the medical pharmaceutical companies.


  1. Activation of your Immune System

Thousands of people are suffering every day from AIDS, malaria, allergies, pandemic flu, etc. Whether they would be infected or not, depends on their immune system. If someone’s immune system is fully activated, any kinds of illnesses will be recovered. One’s own urine definitely helps improve one’s immune system activation (Kang, 1998)


  1. Good for Obesity

In this century obesity is a global problem. Obesity does not discriminate on race, gender or age. Fortunately, Urine Therapy is very helpful to decrease weight without any side effects. Obesity in the USA is a big problem as shown on this slide. Young people who would love to serve their nation in the US Armed Forces would not be accepted if they were obese.


  1. Urine is NOT a Dirty Waste Product!

Urine Therapy has a lot of testimonials and medical-based evidence. However, it has been embedded in our minds that urine is a waste product and dirty to touch with our hands. Babies from birth as they grow into childhood have been repeatedly told that urine is dirty, filthy and they shouldn’t touch it or get it on them. What is needed is reeducation of the human race on the content and properties of urine.

Urine is ‘Algoboni,’ the water of life, suggested by Dr. Armstrong in 1944 and as he says, ‘your own perfect medicine.’ (Amstrong, 1944; Kang, 1998)

Urine is really a clean liquid produced by our bodies and by nano-sized filters in the kidneys. Urine is clearer than blood. Actually, there are no dirty components in urine. They are all nutrients, enzymes, minerals, antioxidants, antibodies, bioactive substances, etc. and all good for one’s health.


  1. Three Kinds of Nurturing Fluids

Humans have been nurtured by three kinds of bio waters (Kang, 1998):

1) Amniotic fluid for nurturing the fetus;

2) Mother’s milk for baby after birth;

3) Urine for our adult immune system.


  1. Commercial Products

These life waters are all natural substances and not commercially produced by humans. Of course, some medicines contain elements extracted and purified from urine that are used in hospitals as commercial products:

1) Incubators at hospitals for early delivery of the fetus;

2) Powdered milk for babies produced by food companies;

3)Medicines from pharmaceutical companies through

hospitals and pharmacies.

But commercial products could be impossible to compare with the natural properties of herbs and other alternative practices that cure ailments that modern medicine cannot yet answer.


  1. Application in the Army

For a nation’s military forces, urine is an important resource for survival during emergency conditions, such as confinement by an enemy or isolation from others when food and drink are not available. Even worse is the critical loneliness such as created

by a natural disaster when help is not available. Lieutenant General Ryu, former Commanding General, Republic of Korea Army Training Headquarters, understands that in a critical emergency a soldier using Urine Therapy could survive a disaster compared to other soldiers uninformed about Urine Therapy.

It has been reported that the US Army has made urine a key ingredient soldiers should know when using rehydrated meals. A BBC news report of July 22, 2004 states, ‘The US military has devised a way to ensure its troops in battle need never go hungry – with dried food that can be rehydrated using dirty water or URINE.’ (BBC 2004). In the absence of water, urine could be used. Although the last statement mentions ‘long term it would cause kidney damage.’ However, there is no evidence that this statement is true. In fact, long term drinking of one’s own urine does not cause any damage, but aids in tissue reformation. (Kang, 1998)”


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Source: Kang, Kook-Hee. (2012). Urine therapy briefing for scientists. TANG [HUMANITAS MEDICINE], 2(4), 32.1-32.3.