癌症治療不需喝尿的純化尿療 ─『CDA-2』!

癌症治療不需喝尿的純化尿療 ─『CDA-2』!



臺北市立中興醫院血液腫瘤科張根湖主任於十月二十九日癌症統合治療學術研討會中表示,CDA-2 是由人尿萃取的針劑和膠囊形複合物,經多年來的研究已證實具有多分子靶點的抑癌作用。除誘導分化及促進凋亡外,也增加化學及放射治療的效果,更調控細胞週期抑制腫瘤成長。


張根湖主任並於研討會中表示張根湖主任及康寧百盛治癌中心主任賴基銘醫師都發現 CDA-2 用在兩例骨髓增生異常症 (Myelodysplastic Syndrome) 的治療有明確效果;骨髓增生異常症的病人在過去往往死於貧血、出血或感染,有部分病人會演變為血癌,迄今沒有任何有效的治療,可以延緩病情的進展。

這兩起病例,一例為血小板過低及輕度貧血,八年來治療無效,最後被放棄移到安寧病房,由於嚴重出血(血小板低於 13,000,正常值應高於 120,000),轉到康寧醫院,經 CDA-2 治療三週,血小板回升到 70,000;治療五週後回升到 110,000,已不必再經常輸血小板來控制病情。

第二例為多年的貧血,住院時血色素3.2(正常值12以上),病人經 CDA-2 治療一週後,血色素回升至10.0;治療兩週後,回升到 11 以上,一個月後未再治療,目前情況良好。希望 CDA-2 等新多分子靶點的抑癌作用能為當今的癌症治療盲點開創另一道曙光!


尿療法介紹 – 臺中榮民總醫院

尿療法介紹 – 臺中榮民總醫院

2022/8/16 9:21:58

















當代世界上公開提倡尿療法的鼻祖,英國的自然療法論著─J.W.阿姆斯壯先生在他的著作《生命之水》(THE WATER OF LIFE)中,便率先描述親身研究體驗尿療法的效能。








(1).尿素                        1.47 公克

(2).尿酸                        0.18 公克

(3).Creatinine                    0.58 公克

(4).阿摩尼亞                    0.49 公克

(5).馬尿酸                      0.6  公克

(6).尿黃質Urochrome             0.4~0.7 公克


























Businesswoman drinks own urine every morning and dabs it on her face to look fresh

Businesswoman drinks own urine every morning and dabs it on her face to look fresh

Kayleigh Oakley claims the bizarre routine has also cured a lifetime of health conditions.

Kayleigh Oakley drinks a glass of her own wee every morning

A successful businesswoman has revealed the secret behind her flawless porcelain skin - drinking her own wee every morning, before exfoliating and moisturising her face with it.

English rose Kayleigh Oakley, 33, downs half a pint of urine on waking, then dabbing it on her skin before she showers, to keep her complexion looking fresh - claiming that drinking wee has cured a lifetime of health conditions.

Battling a low immune system for years, with a strenuous day out leaving her bed-bound for a week, Kayleigh, of Newington, Kent, claims just days after sipping the yellow liquid she felt transformed, explaining: “It was almost instant.

“Drinking urine can’t harm you and I view it as a medicine. We don’t think twice about taking drugs bought over the counter, with side-effects, yet urine has no side-effects and it works really well.


Kayleigh drinks half a pint of urine when she wakes up 

“A lot of expensive skin brands contain urea, which is excreted in urine, so I have also got a really expensive product for free.”

Just four-years-old when she was diagnosed with a low immune system, after constant tiredness and muscle pain, aged 15 Kayleigh also developed Hashimoto's disease - an autoimmune condition, causing an underactive thyroid.

Two years later she was told she had chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, which causes pain all over the body and even the smallest tasks became a nightmare to Kayleigh, whose husband, Tristan, 39, is a draftsman.

“I was ill a lot of the time and life felt like really hard work,” she said.

“If someone became unwell around me, my immune system would be so weak that I would get sick, too."

She added: “It was so draining. If I did any strenuous activity I would be in bed for week, and life became pretty miserable.”

Two years ago, Kayleigh, who runs an education business and teaches yoga, discovered urine therapy, where people drink their own wee for health reasons.

“I was studying natural healing and medicine and was fascinated by the success stories other people shared about it,” she said. “I had been on a long journey, trying to improve my health. I changed my diet and lifestyle, trying to introduce more holistic things and not taking any pharmaceutical medicines.


Yoga teacher Kayleigh Oakley claims drinking wee has cured a lifetime of health conditions 

“I heard that urine can reset the immune system, promote general good health, and is good for the skin.

"It is also an ancient yogic technique, so thought I would give it a go.”

Now stunning Kayleigh pees into a water glass every morning and drinks the mid-stream of the urine, discarding the first and last parts of the flow, as she says it can contain toxins and sediment.

She explained: “The morning drink contains the most hormones and nutrients.

“It doesn’t taste of much. It's a bit salty and you can taste some minerals, but because I have a vegan diet, it isn't strong.

“I have never been horrified by the thought of drinking it and my friends and family accept what I do. We are conditioned to think drinking urine is unclean, but it’s just a sterile filtration of the blood.”

And Kayleigh claims that the proof of the pudding, so to speak, is in the eating, as, within a few days of starting her new regime - which included a raw, vegan diet and regular yoga - she felt greatly improved.

“I had an extreme amount of energy, it was amazing,” she said.

“Urine works really well to clear your skin up, if you have any hormonal issues with it. So, I use it as a moisturiser, just putting some on a cotton wool and popping it on my skin before I jump in the shower. It moisturises and helps exfoliate too.”


Kayleigh Oakley also claims dabbing urine on her face is her secret to flawless skin 

Although her husband is not a convert to urine therapy, Kayleigh says he supports her choice.

“We are exposed to so many external environmental toxins, if you have ill-health it’s about trying to find a more natural health to improve it,” she said.

“Now I need less sleep and wake up naturally at 5am without an alarm. A combination of my diet and yoga practice, as well as drinking urine every day, has helped to cure me.”

Forgoing medication in favour of natural remedies, Kayleigh also believes in finding the cause of ailments.

She said: “We have an epidemic of treating the symptoms, not the cause. I have tried to look at my body as a whole, see what’s missing and lacking due to nutrient deficiencies. This means I can then start treating it a bit more holistically.

“If I hadn’t gone down the path of healing myself with different therapies, I would be on more medication. There's a lot of misinformation out there, but you won't know if drinking urine will help until you try it."

But Aisling Pigott, dietician and spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association, disagrees.

She said: “There is no evidence or advice which would encourage anybody to drink their own urine. The body, in particular the kidneys, does an effective job at removing toxins and excretes urine.

“Therefore, drinking this again is not beneficial, could potentially be harmful and could cause infection.”

佛陀傳授尿療法  作者:曾焯文博士

簡介:根據十誦律、四分律、得法大經、摩訶僧祇律等佛經的各種漢譯本,佛祖教比丘病時服陳棄藥/腐爛藥/腐尿水,名稱頗為恐怖,容易令人誤會佛祖存心靠害,建議改為酵尿藥/陳尿藥/腐尿藥。查陳棄藥/腐爛藥/腐尿水巴利文原作pūti-mutta-bhesajja,直譯腐臭尿藥,現代佛學家Khematto Bhikkhu、阿姜蘇嘉多禪師、Buddha-Vacana Org. 均詮釋為fermented urine medicine(醱酵尿藥),Robert Thurman (1982) 則詮釋為陳舊尿藥。勿忘陳舊的尿會發酵,產生餲(aat3)味,相當攻鼻,但可當藥用。換言之,二千五百年前,佛祖經已傳授尿療法。 以下陳棄藥/腐爛藥/腐尿水佛經出處,除非另行註明,皆於 cbetaonline 搜得。 (註一)   一,陳棄藥   後秦 弗若多羅共羅什(四零四) 譯十誦律【卷二十一】一切盈長得。是中依樹下止,能盡壽受用不?若能當言:「能。」依陳棄藥,比丘出家受具足,成比丘法。若更得四種含消藥:酥、油、蜜、石。 東晉 佛陀跋陀羅共法顯譯 (四一六) 摩訶僧祇律【卷三十】「若長得半月食,八日十四日、十五日說戒食,籌食、請食。」「依陳棄藥,少事易得應淨無諸過,比丘尼隨順法,依是出家受具足,得作比丘 唐 義淨譯 (七一零) 根本說一切有部毘奈耶雜事【卷十七】何為四?佛告苾芻:『著糞掃衣清淨易得,乞食活命、在樹下居、用陳棄藥清淨易得,依此出家成苾芻性。』」 唐 普光述  俱舍論記【卷二十二】問於四依中何故不說藥為聖種。但說前三衣。舊大德等皆言。四依中陳棄藥是糞穢者。不然。陳久之藥他人棄之名陳棄藥。出家少欲取而服之 。   二,腐爛藥 姚秦 佛陀耶舍共竺佛念等譯 (四零八) 四分律【卷28】『依腐爛藥,得出家受具足戒成比丘尼法。汝是中盡形壽能持不?能者當言:「能。」』 姚秦 佛陀耶舍共竺佛念等譯 (四零八) 四分律【卷四十二】爾時有比丘病毒,醫教服腐爛藥。「若是已腐爛藥墮地者,應以器盛水和之漉受然後服。若未墮地者,以器承之水和漉服之,不須受。」   三,腐尿水 通妙譯 中部經典【卷五】諸比丘!又譬如於腐尿水混以諸藥物。爾時,患黃膽之人來。對彼如是言:『喂,士夫!此腐尿水混以種種藥物,汝若意欲則飲之,其飲對汝,以色、以香、以味,當令不歡喜之;然飲之,汝當成為樂者。』 芝峯譯 南傳中部經典【卷一】在樂得未來苦報法。諸比丘.譬如以諸藥物.和雜於腐尿中。時有患黃疸病者來.乃語彼曰.「此腐尿水.曾和雜以種種藥物.汝若欲者即可飲之。當汝飲時.若色、香、味.悉非可喜.然若飲者.當可得樂。」。   四,陳棄藥/腐爛藥/腐尿水三譯名是否準確?   還看巴利文原詞pūti-mutta-bhesajja。根據巴利文-英文字典,pūti解腐臭;mutta解尿;bhesajja 解藥。現逐一審視三譯名。   首先論陳棄藥,陳可解陳舊陳久:唐 普光述  俱舍論記【卷二十二】陳久之藥他人棄之名陳棄藥。業疏三曰:「腐爛藥者,世所同棄而實可收,即大小便也。」同濟緣記曰:「人所不用,故云陳棄。」但陳尿藥始終漏了主藥材尿。在這方面,Robert Thurman (1982) 詮釋pūti-mutta-bhesajja為陳(舊)尿藥。   五,尿無疑為pūti-mutta-bhesajja主藥材,證據如下:   通妙譯 藥犍度【0275a01】 爾時,有一比丘被蛇咬。彼等以此事白世尊,〔世尊曰:〕「諸比丘!可與四種污物,即:屎、尿、灰、粘土。」...爾時,有一比丘飲毒。「諸比丘!許令飲尿。」時,諸比丘心生思念:「〔此〕不應受耶?或應受耶?」「諸比丘!若作者自受時,受已成,不須復受。」 後秦 佛陀耶舍共竺佛念譯 (四一二~四一三) 長阿含經【卷十二】障寒暑、風雨、蚊虻,下至閑靜懈息之處。諸比丘!我所制藥,若大小便,酥油蜜、黑石蜜;此藥自足,若身生苦惱,眾患切已,恐遂至死... 通妙譯犍度卷六《藥犍度》:「爾時,有一比丘患黃疸病。『諸比丘!許令飲溲〔尿〕之呵利勒。』」(註二)   腐爛藥同樣欠尿。腐爛一詞更令人以為此藥腐爛有毒。   腐尿水勝在含尿字,但無講明係藥。腐字pūti雖可解腐爛,但亦可解醱酵,如腐乳。   六,現代佛學家詮釋pūti為fermented 醱酵 現代佛學家Khematto Bhikkhu、阿姜蘇嘉多禪師(Bhikkhu Sujato)、Buddha-Vacana Org.等正正詮釋pūti為fermented 醱酵;pūti-mutta-bhesajja為fermented urine medicine(〔醱〕酵尿藥)。勿忘尿發酵會產生濃濃餲(aat3)味,對應pūti字臭義。   "Going-Forth has fermented urine medicine as its support. For the rest of your life you are to endeavor at that. The extra allowances are: ghee, fresh butter, oil, honey, sugar."   (Cattāro Nissayā [The Four Supports],  mahākhandhako,  The Mahāvagga, the fourth book of the Vinaya Piṭaka [The Basket of Discipline], trans. Khematto Bhikkhu) 「出家以酵尿藥為依。諸比丘餘生當努力於此。額外奢侈品為:酥油、鮮黃油、油、蜜、糖。」 (曾焯文倒譯,Khematto比丘譯,Vinaya Piṭaka〔律藏〕卷四,Mahāvagga〔大品〕,Mahākhandhako〔大犍度〕,CattāroNissayā〔四依〕)(註三)   “Mendicants, these four trifles are easy to find and are blameless. What four? Rag-robes … A lump of almsfood … Lodgings at the root of a tree … Fermented urine as medicine …” (AN 4.27, Santuṭṭhisutta [Contentment], Uruvelavagga, Paṭhamapaṇṇāsaka, Catukkanipātapāḷi, trans. Bhikkhu Sujato) 「托缽僧團,此四件小玩意垂手可得,無罪無咎。邊四件小玩意?著襴衫… 沿門托缽… 住樹下 … 酵尿做藥…」(曾焯文倒譯,阿姜蘇嘉多禪師〔Bhikkhu Sujato〕譯,四集,初五十經篇,優樓比螺品,知足 〔AN 4.27〕)(註四)   " Fermented urine, bhikkhus, is a very little thing among medicines, easy to get and blameless" (AN 4.27,The Book of Fours, trans. Buddha-Vacana) 「諸比丘!酵尿於藥為小事,無罪無垢,垂手可得」(曾焯文倒譯,Buddha-vacana譯,《四分律》4.27)(註五)   "He is told about his four resources, alms, rag- robes, dwelling at the foot of a tree (i.e., homelessness), and aged urine for medicine." (Robert Thurman, “The Vinaya Discipline of Buddhist Monasticism”, a talk given at Amherst College, 1982)  「告其四依:乞食、著爛衫、住樹下(露宿)、以陳尿為藥。」 (曾焯文譯,羅拔·瑟曼(Robert Thurman),一九八二年,阿默斯特書院(Amherst College)演講,〈佛寺清規〉)(註六)   綜合以上各家説法,建議譯pūti-mutta-bhesajja為酵尿藥/陳尿藥/腐尿藥。   七,結論: 從以上佛經可見,佛陀二千五百年前經已推行尿療法,指定酵尿藥/陳尿藥/腐尿藥為比丘、比丘尼四種依靠之一;有病就靠飲尿搽尿醫,包括蛇咬黃膽等等。 Article Link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e4%bd%9b%e9%99%80%e5%82%b3%e6%8e%88%e5%b0%bf%e7%99%82%e6%b3%95-%e4%bd%9c%e8%80%85%ef%bc%9a%e6%9b%be%e7%84%af%e6%96%87%e5%8d%9a%e5%a3%ab/ ! 註:   註一:https://cbetaonline.dila.edu.tw/zh 註二:http://tripitaka.cbeta.org/N03n0002_006 註三:https://www.dhammatalks.org/vinaya/Mv/MvI.html#burmese64 註四:https://suttacentral.net/an4.27/en/sujato?layout=plain&reference=none&notes=asterisk&highlight=false&script=latin 註五:http://www.buddha-vacana.org/gloss.html 註六:https://terebess.hu/zen/szoto/Precepts_Study.pdf First published on https://www.hkbnews.net/post/%E4%BD%9B%E9%99%80%E5%82%B3%E6%8E%88%E5%B0%BF%E7%99%82%E6%B3%95-%E4%BD%9C%E8%80%85%EF%BC%9A%E6%9B%BE%E7%84%AF%E6%96%87%E5%8D%9A%E5%A3%AB%EF%BC%8Chkbnews !

“I can’t believe I’ve just watched someone drink their own wee”

'I can't believe I've just watched someone drink their own wee': Twitter backlash over couple who appeared on ITV's This Morning to extol the health benefits of urine

  • Bex Long and John Dixon have been together for two years
  • Couple appeared on show to discuss the health benefits of drinking urine
  • They say urine has has banished symptoms of depression, made their eyes brighter and their skin clearer - and they have no plans to stop
  • But viewers took to Twitter to complain the piece was 'too much' for morning TV, after Willoughby asked if they drank the liquid 'warm or chilled'
  • Some described the segment - aired at 10.50am - as 'stomach churning'

A couple who appeared on ITV's This Morning to discuss the fact they drink their own urine have become the subject of a Twitter backlash from horrified viewers.

Bex Long and John Dixon say their own home brewed elixir has banished symptoms of depression, made their eyes brighter and their skin clearer.

The couple, who have been dating for two years, told an aghast Holly Willoughby and Dermot O'Leary on ITV's This Morning that their urine was so potent it was 'like an energy drink'.


Home brew: The couple, who have been dating for two years, told an aghast Holly Willoughby and Dermot O'Leary on ITV's This Morning that their urine was so potent it was 'like an energy drink'

They also admitted to dabbing it on cuts and burns to help them heal.

At one point they even downed a champagne flute of the liquid live on air, as Holly shielded her eyes with her hands.

But viewers took to Twitter to complain that the segment - aired at 10.50am - was too much for morning TV.

One wrote: 'Stomach is churning. Just watched people drink their own urine on This Morning. I physically feel sick. Just want to vomit.'

Another said: 'Do you chill it or drink it straight from the tap?? "Straight from the tap" @itvthismorning WHAT AM I WATCHING?

Another added: 'Can not believe I have just watched a segment on this morning about people drinking there own wee. What goes on in some people's minds?'


Mr Dixon explained that he has been drinking a cup or two of his own urine every day for seven years after a friend extolled the virtues of it.

When he met Miss Long two years ago, he introduced her to it - and after finding it relived symptoms of her depression, she has continued with it.

The couple now firmly believe the practice is a key part of staying healthy.

Mr Dixon told the programme that he'd started drinking his own urine seven years ago after being 'a naughty kid' - and noticed the difference straight away.

He said: 'I found it balanced my head, things were calmer and I could think clearer.'

Miss Long added that when she met him she'd suffered from depression for 10 years and was taking medication for it. 

Wanting to come off the tablets, Mr Dixon told her about the health benefits he'd discovered from drinking his own urine every day.


Happy: Mr Dixon explained he has been drinking a cup or two his own urine every day for seven years after a friend extolled the virtues of it.

Doing it together: When Mr Dixon met Miss Long two years ago, he introduced her to 'urine therapy' - and after finding it relived symptoms of her depression, has continued with it

She said: 'I spoke to people where John works and heard stories about how they had got better [from doing it] and thought I would try it.

'For the first couple of months I felt happy and bouncy - it worked straight away,' she added. 'If I had forgotten to take a tablet then I would do that instead.'

She added that the taste and smell of the urine 'depends on what you've been eating and drinking' - and that it 'definitely wasn't an acquired taste'.

Mr Dixon added: 'It smells and tastes like wee - there's not getting around it. But it cleans you out.

'When you carry on doing it, you can taste what food you eat.'

This was backed up further after the couple knocked back a shot of their urine live on air - with Mr Dixon declaring he could 'taste the coffee' he had just drunk.


Caution: But Dr Ranj Singh (right) warned that 'urine is one of the body's ways of getting rid of stuff - and it could contain toxic byproducts'

And when quizzed by an incredulous Holly Willoughby, the couple admitted they tended not to sip the first 'go' of the day, due to it being 'quite strong'.

And Dr Ranj Singh cautioned against the practice. He warned: 'It's not necessarily recommended. If you are on medication and you are going to come off it, then it's important to talk to a doctor first.

'Urine is one of the body's ways of getting rid of stuff - and it could contain toxic byproducts.

'Yes, it is sterile in the bladder, but once it leaves the bladder it can come into contact with bacteria. if you drink it, you are re-introducing that bacteria back into the body.


Urine therapy is said to date back to the Bible. Historical documents suggest that the Aztecs disinfected wounds with it, while the benefits are also mentioned in Indian and Chinese literature.

Urine is highly sterile, consisting of 95 per cent water and five per cent nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and minerals. During the digestive process, the liver deals with toxins and removes them to be excreted.

The blood then goes to the kidneys where it is filtered again and extraneous components the body no longer needs are collected in a sterile solution which is then passed as urine.

But GP Dr Rob Hicks said: 'Over the years many people have claimed health benefits from drinking their own urine, but as far as I'm aware there is no scientific evidence to back-up these claims.

'The kidneys are an efficient filtering system getting rid of what the body doesn't need, so to put this back into the body seems counter-productive.

'Personally, I believe there are better - and more palatable - ways to keep the body healthy including not smoking, eating a healthy diet, and keeping stress under control.'

Human Urine May Cure Blood Pressure

Human Urine May Cure Blood Pressure

by  | Nov 9, 2007

WASHINGTON: A study has identified a hormone from human urine, a xanthurenic-acid derivative, which might help safely flush sodium out of the body and could be harnessed to develop more effective and safer treatments for high blood pressure, or hypertension.

The Cornell and the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research (BTI) study, co-authored by Frank Schroeder, an assistant scientist at BTI, developed a new technique for analysing complex mixtures of small molecules, making it possible to finally identify the natural hormone.

In the rat-model based study, Schroeder developed an approach based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy of partially purified urine.

NMR spectroscopy is the most powerful tool chemists used to determine the structures of unknown compounds. It has only been used for the analysis of purified compounds.

In the study, the usage of the technique revealed three completely new compounds, each of which was subsequently synthesized and injected into rats. The rats’ urine was then monitored.

Two of the identified compounds, derivatives of a common metabolite xanthurenic-acid, raised sodium levels in the rat’s urine but kept potassium levels constant.

Schroeder said that while aldosterone was a steroid hormone, the newly discovered molecule was structurally more similar to such amino acid-derived neurotransmitters as dopamine and serotonin and, therefore, might also play other roles in the body.

“Now, we want to know what other functions these compounds have and whether they directly influence blood pressure,” Schroeder said.

The study is published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Urine therapy briefing for scientists

Urine therapy briefing for scientists

Kook-Hee Kang Senior Research Fellow, ReSEAT Program, Korea Institute of Science and Technology information, 66, Hoegi-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, 130-741, Republic of Korea
CELLMED (셀메드) Volume 2 Issue 4 /Pages.32.1-32.3/2012/2233-8985(eISSN)

ABSTRACT Urine is a gift of God for the health of human being in proverbs of the Old Testament in Hindu. Urine therapy (UT) is not a mysterious folk remedy, it is doctor's examined prescription based on modern science and UT is recommended strongly with absolute confidence. It is effective and amazing to a number of incurables such as chronic fatigue, lingering, a cold, nose allergy, diabetes, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, and gout. Also, UT is applied not only for human beings but also for animals, the latter including amazing effects for pigs and cows. The purpose of this manuscript is to help change the misunderstandings of urine and UT and to help reader realize it is one of the helpful alternative remedies.

“To survive a poisonous snake bite, drink your own urine,” says Dr. Edward Group

American natural therapist Dr. Edward Group said that in nature, there are snakes, spiders, bees or anything that punctures the skin and injects poison and that this creates a reaction called a cytokine storm. Group said one solution is to let your body produce an anti-venom. "It's been known in India and other parts of the world for thousands of years [that] to survive a poisonous snake bite, you drink your own urine. You put urine under your tongue for 15 seconds and your body produces the anti-venom and it produces the antibodies and you don't die from the poisonous snake bite," Group said. The alternative health advocate cited two men who survived after being bitten by a poisonous snake by treating themselves using urine as an antidote. "So that just shows you the power that is already in you to serve as an antidote to a poison. Urine is an anti-poisonous substance and a good tonic," Group said, adding that snake charmers keep a bowl full of urine while catching and working with snakes so they may be able to drink and apply it in case of a snake bite.   Article link:
“To survive a poisonous snake bite, drink your own urine,” says Dr. Edward Group
Sources: https://www.brighteon.com/38b458b7-1017-4f2f-9993-ca7ba805930d   https://citizens.news/610142.html

三果實+自家尿=神采飛揚  曾焯文譯介

根據古印度梵文經典《達瑪譚崔》(Damar Tantra)中《濕婆天水經》(Shivambu-Kalpa-Vidhi ),混合三果實(Triphala,又名三聖果,包括:毗黎勒 [欖仁;Bibhitaki]、訶梨勒 [訶子;Haritaki]、餘甘子[Amalaki] 三種果實磨粉混合)、胡椒粉與濕婆天水(自體尿),經常服用,即獲神明般光彩。   三果實(Triphala)在台灣及香港iherb 及英國Amazon均有售(此非廣告)。 以上三種草藥結合,成為強勁藥物。根據醫學研究,部份益處包括:
  • 幫助消化:
  • 增強免疫力:
  • 抗氧化特性:
  • 牙齒保健:
  • 減肥:
  • 改善皮膚健康:
  • 改善脫髮:
三果實溝椰子油搽頭,有助減少頭髮掉落,控制頭屑,促進生髮。 Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e4%b8%89%e6%9e%9c%e5%af%a6%e8%87%aa%e5%ae%b6%e5%b0%bf%e7%a5%9e%e9%87%87%e9%a3%9b%e6%8f%9a-%e6%9b%be%e7%84%af%e6%96%87%e8%ad%af%e4%bb%8b/  ! 參考: Anandkunji (2020). What is Damar Tantra? https://news.anandkunj.org/2020/09/what-is-damar-tantra-yoga.html?m=1 Aryan Herbals (n.d.). "Nutritional Benefits of Triphala." https://www.aryanherbals.com/uk/blog/benefits-of-triphala/ Healthline (n.d.). "What are the Benefits of Triphala." https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/triphala


    《濕婆天水經》(Shivambu-Kalpa-Vidhi ),又名飲尿回春大法,收於古印度梵文經典《達瑪譚崔》(Damar Tantra),屬於古印度醫學傳統阿育吠陀(Ayurveda)。在濕婆天水經中,濕婆(Shiva)告訴其妻巴嬅迪(Parvati)常飲天水(自體尿)的好處:返老還童,長生不老,消除百病,與日月同光。不過飲時最好混合三果實、雄黃粉、心葉青牛膽、黃荊葉、雲母粉等印度山草。   濕婆教落:排尿、飲尿、接尿時,有些咒語要念。   排尿時念: 唵  薩嚒 濕唎㕧啲  叭哈哇   聿喇吔   喃嘛哈 Aum Sarvashristiprabhava  Rudraaya   Namaha 飲尿時念: 唵      嗛      黚    嗚咑嘛嘞濕喇吔     喃嘛哈 Aum Hrim Klim Uddamareshwaraaya Namaha 接尿時念: 唵     嗛      黚    啤喇哇吔     喃嘛嗄 Aum Hrim Klim Bhairavaaya Namasha   Original Article Link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e6%bf%95%e5%a9%86%e6%95%99%e4%bd%a0%e5%a4%a9%e6%b0%b4%e5%92%92%ef%bc%81%e6%9b%be%e7%84%af%e6%96%87%e5%8d%9a%e5%a3%ab%e8%ad%af%e4%bb%8b/ 來源:https://news.anandkunj.org/2020/09/what-is-damar-tantra-yoga.html?m=1  Namaste!