Urine therapy (ingestion) for dogs

Ingestion Therapy

This is the foundational therapy method applicable to all illnesses.  Collect the first urine in the morning and ingest every day.  Mix it in with meals for those pets who cannot ingest just the urine.

Collect urine in a clean container. Collecting first thing in the morning is ideal.

One option is to transfer the urine into a small Tupperware and store the container in the refrigerator. Not all dogs will cooperate and drink the urine as is. For dogs that refuse, you can mix the urine into their food. For our dog, Iris, she will drink soup mixed with urine every morning. The soup is made from cooked meat and vegetables and is easy on the stomach and useful for keeping the dogs hydrated.

Liquid propolis extract added to urine may speed up the effect of treatment, but some dogs are allergic to bee products so caution should be taken before use.  You could start with a small amount of propolis, but to be on the safe side, let your dog drink just urine if you are not sure. Propolis counteracts the smell of urine, but it has its own distinct odor that some dogs may not like.

Lamu continued to ingest her urine that contained bacteria.  By doing so did not affect her negatively, and her stool, which was a little soft initially, became healthy again.  According to Dr. Ryoichi Nakao’s book, he documents a case where a patient with gonorrhea is cured after ingesting his own urine for a week.

It is stated that having bacteria in the ingested urine is important because it notifies the body of its presence and the need to take action.

It can be assumed that ingesting urine while infected may not be harmful.

From my experience, there were no negative effect observed when ingesting urine with possible bacteria, but I cannot say that would be the case for other situations.  For example, you may need to use your own judgment accordingly such as in cases like chemical poisoning.

It is okay to ingest while taking medication.